Universal Kingdom Rush Vengeance (by Ironhide)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by nyanpass, Nov 21, 2018.

  1. AzriaXX

    AzriaXX Member

    Jul 16, 2018
    #41 AzriaXX, Nov 22, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2018
    For me it's not about 'getting an advantage when you pay for extra towers', it's the whole idea of paying $5 for a premium game, and only get 70%. I understand that you don't need the towers that are behind a paywall, but when I buy a premium game, I want to enjoy the whole game and not get treated to IAP messages when playing.

    Kingdom Rush was my favorite mobile series and I've played all the previous games to death, and I will buy this one too eventually. If I remember correctly the previous games had heroes you could buy, so IAP is nothing new for this game. I find the towers more annoying than the heroes though. You could pick a hero and still use all the 'tools' available to you so it felt less pay to win. Now, you miss out on gameplay options because of the purchasable towers.

    Oh well, I guess this is what mobile gaming is like. Premium games with IAP, better get used to it. I'm sure it's still a great game.

    EDIT: Just checked the store page and to actually own the entire game (not including future updates that will cost even more money), you need to pay € 34,47. That is a disgrace. I'm not buying this, and I write that as a big fan of Ironhide. What a waste.
    Wrath, drunk_vader, coxy and 4 others like this.
  2. Rocksaint

    Rocksaint Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2013
    Very well said.
  3. nanl00127

    nanl00127 Member

    Dec 26, 2014
    The game does, quite immediately, give you a hero bundle discount and tower bundle discount of 50%. That being said, that doesn't change what you've said about the excessive DLC prices (and buying into the bundle probably means you have to pay full price for future towers/heroes).

    Chances are, the game will eventually make its way to PC at a much lower price with all the content included as well.
  4. Rosso

    Rosso Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    #44 Rosso, Nov 22, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2018
    I am really not okay with this approach of selling it for more than 5 EUR and still having lots and LOTS of essential items only as IAP.

    Would love to buy it really, but as long as they don't, at least, provide a season pass kinda "buy everything for one (good) price (e.g. 10 bucks)", I won't. IMO it must be EITHER free2play - and then you know what to expect - or premium. There shoudn't be anything inbetween - though proper DLCs are something else and of course acceptable to pay for. But a big chunk of the towers in a game like this? Rip off in my opinion.

    ...truly sad. Was looking forward to this, but personally just cant support this monetization approach.
    drunk_vader and TicTac like this.
  5. Rosso

    Rosso Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    ...yeah, 30+ EUR is really a joke for a game like this. Look at Stardew Valley. Look at 50+ hours gameplay ARPGs like VICTOR VRAN on consoles and PC (for 20 EUR and less)... it just doesn't fit. At all. ...I'd go to 15 EUR, which is already a lot for such a game. But more than 30 is just not right.
    drunk_vader and TicTac like this.
  6. Roger the Alien

    Roger the Alien Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2017
    Finished the campaign and got all stars. Time to level up the other heroes, get the remaining achievements, beat every heroic and iron challenge and start over using impossible difficulty. Especially the last levels were great, it was funny to see some old friends. Can‘t wait for more levels.
    I used no gems by the way and played the veteran difficulty.
  7. dukat111

    dukat111 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2010
    I agree with everyone on the IAP.
    I don't mind spending $ on games, but I expect a premium experience.
    If they charged $10 or even $15 for the game I'd be fine with it, but I'm not fine with charging a 'premium' mobile price, then selling towers and units.
    Sure you don't NEED them to beat the game but that's not the point, clear nickle and diming customers.
    It would be one thing if they gave you 10 heroes and had 2 IAP ones, but giving you 3 with the majority behind a paywall is not nice.
    Would be fine if it was free but don't charge and then charge more for a complete game.

    I'm conflicted because I want to experience all the heroes and towers but considering the 'full' experience costs 4x+ more than the base game it's sickening and I don't want to encourage such behavior.
  8. coxy

    coxy Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2011
    Really disappointed with Ironhide going down this route. This is the only series I enjoy on mobile - but even this has gone the way of the IAP now. I've never minded paying for heroes - that's fine. I remember playing the original before they even added in heroes - so I have no issue with that.

    But I do have an issue with buying the game - and then not getting the complete version. Yes I know I don't have to buy every tower (and I won't) but I do if I want to experience the full game. If they're going to lock so many things off - then don't charge us to pay for the game. I've paid money to buy this game and yet a significant portion is now locked off to me.

    I love this series - but if this is the way it's going now - I won't be buying future games in this series. As someone who started gaming in the 80's - it's horrible what I see more and more of now.
    drunk_vader, TicTac and dukat111 like this.
  9. TicTac

    TicTac Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2011
    There is a way to avoid IAP, wait for the steam version. But yes this is becoming a problem, I had no issues with heroes as IAP. I have always bought them as a way to support a good game but IAP towers is a step too far imo.

    I will only buy the IAP dragon as opposed to all heroes this time round. If they continue down this path then I’ll just wait for the steam version or stop playing this game altogether.
  10. Wemac

    Wemac Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2011
    Game Reviewer
    Been waiting a long time for this but no I think I’ll pass. Premium game with IAPs was okay for heros but this with towers is a money grab. You need to pay $30~ for this? Shame on you iron hide.
    I love the series and company, but this was not cool.
    dukat111 likes this.
  11. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    i'm also passing on this one, i don't need it, not at this conditions (maybe when it'll be at one buck), greed is always an error... besides i have a huge backlog and future great issues to play with... bye bye! :D
  12. slewis7

    slewis7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    Houston, TX
    I bought it and like all the KR games, I am immensely enjoying it. I only bought a few heros in the earlier games and will consider buying the tower bundle here. Regardless of the IAP, I always get many many hours of cheap enjoyment from these quality games. I love tower defense and nobody does it better on mobile.
    L.Lawliet likes this.
  13. Roger the Alien

    Roger the Alien Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2017
    You can use some IAP towers and test them in some Iron/Heroic challenges.
  14. homygod

    homygod Member

    Jul 10, 2018
    Love the game - I personally don’t have an issue with the iap or anything like that.

    Question - is there any advantage of playing it in veteran mode as opposed to normal ?
  15. Roger the Alien

    Roger the Alien Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2017
    I finished it on veteran, no gems, no life lost.
    It‘s more difficult. Enemies have more hp.
    Right now I am playing on impossible, it unlocks after beating the campaign.
  16. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Honestly the only thing that disappoints me with this game is that it doesn't mark what skill difficulty you beat the levels on. I hope someone can ask Ironhide to add this (I messaged them on their website as well). The old games had this feature so basically you have an incentive to keep playing on higher difficulties for a "badge" on each level.
  17. homygod

    homygod Member

    Jul 10, 2018
    Yeah that’s what I’m asking . Is there an achievement even ? Or beating it on normal vs veteran has no actual difference other than the feeling that you beat it on vet?
  18. GiHubb

    GiHubb Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Apr 27, 2010
    Did you buy and use the IAP towers? Are they necessary?
  19. nkarafo

    nkarafo Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2011
    I have bought all the KR games before and I finished them all without any IAPs BUT in the latest game - Iron Marines - was the first that I asked a refund. It was too way hard for me and I couldn't pass the levels. I agree with others that this greedy strategy needs to be stop! I don't want to buy this game because I fear that it will be the same as Iron Marines - you need to buy IAPs in order to play properly the game (either Heroes, either Towers). I will pass for now. :(
  20. kozz84

    kozz84 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2012
    At least there is an universal app, unlike the previous rush games. I don't understand why you guy up in arm about the IAP. It's 2018!!! Of course there will be IAP.

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