I'm trying to reach a decision whether to buy this or not. I have a feeling this game will go free later. Maybe the IAP heroes are overpowered? Why include a gamebreaker without a price on it? Anyway, yes, I agree that it should be an unlockable achievement at some point.
I agree with you about the greed thing, but the DS had mostly awful games, and only a few reached the fun and quality of Kindgom Rush. Sponge bob square type shovleware is what comes to mind when I think of the DS.
I am really enjoying the game, it is pretty much what a person was hoping for - more of the same with a few little goodies and extra polish. The cost of the IAP heroes most definitely *is* outrageous though, if they were .99 with the baddest biggest one being 1.99 it would be okay, but... Come on, at these prices I am not even remotely interested. It is sad that the Dev is already in here confirming a sale two days after the game is out - in fact it stinks. Otherwise, happy to finally have the game - is it just me or did it seem like FOREVER for this to come out?
Suppose they set the price at $99.99 for a while and then they launch a "sale" at the price you were originally willing to pay. Are you any worse off for it?
Fire Emblem, Zelda, Shin Megami Tensein Devil Survivor, Etrian Odissey, FFT:A2, Dragon Quest 9 ecc... only original title only for DS All like sponge bob... You don't know the DS, please don't speak about it.
I actually do know about the DS. A major game for the DS would take for ages to release. With the appstore you can find similar quality games for a $1-$5 released almost daily or at least weekly, that at least match those said games in quality. I don't even want to begin listing great games for the Iphone because there is just way too many. I don't really want to bash the DS because I did have some fun times playing it, but the Appstore and Iphone gaming is leagues beyond the DS. Iphone games ushered in a revolution to the gaming world that even brought console gaming to its knees. And I really think it's just getting started.
While I did compare KRF pricing to a 3DS game, I was purely talking about GAME TIME. Never said which game was better or has better production values. The mere fact I can spend 35 USD on a 3DS game makes it a no brainer for me to spend 4.99 for an iOS game. I was merely saying, for 4.99 USD, its worth the money. I have already perfected all 15 levels as well as heroic and iron challenge all in normal mode only though. Working my way to veteran mode.
What I am saying is that I won't be purchasing the Heroes even after the already planned and admitted price drop. I think the current price point is ugly and greedy and I don't like the way iOS devs are behaving in this manner. If a game is good people will support future content with reasonably priced IAP. This crap started with pre-planned DLC already sitting on Xbox 360 discs, it stank then and stinks all the more now. I would have paid $6.99 for this game if it had contained a little more meat and NO IAP of any kind. I am a little concerned that after all this time we have been waiting the size of this 'sequel' is suspicious and I believe there are IAP packs in the wings that have been finished long ago. Fieldrunners 2 started a very ugly trend with this tactic.
How is it sad that the dev is telling you up front that KRF's sales model for heroes is going to continue along the same path as KR? Nothing has really changed, you just tuned out the parts of KR you disliked ages ago because it's a quality title that stands out and is worth more than the standard barely tuned and balanced iOS TD games. In a month's time the same will happen here and you'll sit around chomping for another bit of content to drop. I bought Nivus, the arch mage, already since there was no included hero with a magic type attack. So, $6 total, covered all the hero bases for attack types, a bargain by any objective standard. Now I'll wait on sales for any of the others that interest me. What amuses me is that people don't seem to understand that the largely cosmetic addition of the different heroes for IAP is what funds the future development of levels and modes. It's a smart way of doing things. I've been around enough game forums in my day to know that most players don't care about playing every single class and race in games. So you target those of us who have "altitis" by selling extra characters/slots/bank storage/etc since only some players care about that and you fund developing the content that everyone cares about. It's also not like they didn't put a lot of effort into each of these characters. They have unique skills with unique game art and effects, their own little voice clips, etc.. Yeah, it's $3 and up for a single character, but if you care that much to be playing a pirate or a dragon on day one, not like you won't have your fun. And if it's so godsawful for you to either go without or wait for a sale, hey, go find another TD with this much polish and character
If you ask me I'm seeing a remarkable number of excuses for a wholly unremarkable game right here. Which is a little remarkable in itself.
Why do you care? Ron Johnson tried to replace JC Penney's frequent sales with "everyday low prices". It turns out that JC Penney customers like frequent sales, even if they know that the sale prices aren't really any lower than the everyday low prices would be. It's just a means of marketing. If you aren't paying any more (you can pay the sale price), it just seems odd to me to get so enraged over it that you feel the need to boycott something you would otherwise buy at that price. But of course you can do whatever you want. I don't think you've convinced anyone else that this is harming you, though.
You should honestly get over the dragon already. It is clearly a "pay to win" companion. Embrace a good challenge and wise up on your tower placement.
I bought the dragon. He's good. Is he OP? Not really to be honest. I prefer the Mage. He has a homing attack that shoots a lot of shots. I find that a bit OP. He has chain lightning and disintegration techniques.... So far he is the most OP hero I have played compared to original 3, Mage and Dragon. If you want an OP hero, pick the Mage. A few barracks to protect him and he owns at level 10, mine is currently level 8.
But please, tell me one single iOS exclusive good as Zelda or Fire Emblem or Dragon Quest 9. One single original title, not porting that can be compared, only one single title. In fact if you think that a 1$ game on iOS can be compared to DQ9 or Devil Survivor you din't understand what is it a very good game.
1. There was no original Fire Emblem game on DS, only two remakes, so it's not really fair to say "no ports allowed," especially when a lot of ports have improvements in them. 2. There are plenty of good games on this list of the top rated iOS games ever on Metacritic: http://www.metacritic.com/browse/games/score/metascore/all/ios?sort=desc Would something like the Chaos Rings series fit the bill of what you're looking for? It would be a little ridiculous to want something like a good DS game for $.99, but there are certainly games that rival the quality of them, especially per dollar spent.
Ravenmark, Warhammer Quest, Starbase Orion, Hunters 2- I could probably name more but those are off the top of my head. While I haven't played the DS Zelda as I don't care for Zelda games I have played both Fire Emblem and Dragon Quest IX extensively on DS.
Metacritic lol! You don't know the Atlus and Square games on DS you don't ever played a very good game if you spek about CR. You have write that weekly there was on iOS a 1-5 dollar games compared to the DS games. But stop now, if you want try Etrian Odissey and DQ9 and so maybe you can start understand what was a real game.