Friend Codes Kingdom : NVZSSM | Vampires : 24RZ2 | iMobsters : M2NVT World War : RS1RZ | Racing : VSQQM1 | Rock Stars : VMP431 iMob / iVamp / iKnight : 190.237.433
ADD me plz Vampires live - ZVNT3 Kingdoms live - TTZ1V3 iMobsters - 41MPU Racing live - ZN1QZT World War - 3RQ1S Epic pet wars - o8oybe plz add me in any of the above apps you've got thanx
Kingdoms Live: 21R1S1 Rockstars Live: 13PZQ1 Vampires Live: Q2TTR Racing Live: 2NP214 iMobsters: M3ZMZ Wold War: MQR12
Hey! I'm looking for members for my Army and to join others. Please add me to your army, thanks. 2PT1S