Thanks I appreciate that but I already found that one. On the level selection screen there's an empty diamond that fills in when you've collected all the diamonds for that level. 1-13 remains empty. Is there a second diamond or is it a glitch?
Buy the expansion they just released. I am actually happy that I paid for it just before it went free.
If anyone hasn't tried a force touch press while playing, do so. Too funny (including the animation just before you do so).
Just want to let you know that I hear you and I understand the annoyance. We're going to push a small update in the next month (just some levels) and then we'll look at revising that modal's design in a bigger update. Cheers, Brian
Thanks. We're going to be a little slothy in the coming month... I'm going on vacation to reconnect with the sloths. Stay slothy. Brian
As a general rule: try destroying all the trees/boxes try killing every enemy (reapers, spiders) if you see a sparkling in the water, jump and follow the new rocky path
I have a little question. I bought the game on day one but never played it. I just started to play after completing the first one. But why I'm seeing adds after every stage I conplete? Has the game gone free to play?
1-13 Second Diamond No matter what I do, the reaper refuses to attack me. I've run into the tree countless times, I've "hidden" behind the wall then come out so the exclamation point popup appears repeatedly, I've even shot the tree with the turret, all to no avail - any tips?
At a guess I'd say that because you didn't open the game up before it went free, it doesn't realise you paid for it. I got it on day one and haven't seen any ads. It's probably worth contacting the devs. They can probably fix it for you.
I haven't bothered to check if anyone has complained about this yet, but I really hate the pop ups I get each level telling me to use a hint. I generally go for a perfect run when I play a level, so most of the time I die enough times to trigger that pop up. I've bought both games and all the extra levels and so I hate having iap constantly pushed on me, especially for some hint that would completely ruin the challenge. I understand the developers are just trying to get paid from all the people who downloaded the app for free. Maybe they can create an option in the settings for the people who bought the app and hate iap, to turn off that pop up off.
Hey there, Brian here checking in from Cambodia. As someone said, it is because the app wasn't opened. Please email [email protected] and we can get that fixed for you. Sorry for the inconvenience! Best, Brian