Weird, i havent had an update yet. Does that cure this ios7/ios7.1 issue ? I've bought the app at full price, like others i've changed the plist so i can play it on my ios 7.04 phone. Havent seen an update yet on my phone though for the game
Really enjoyed this game. It fell into the truly rare realm of an iOS game that made me forget about the plethora of others games I have until I beat it.
Spoiler There's a weak point that moves around it... I think it was black and orange. Three weak points at first... I think.
Studio Pixel has the perfect touch. Still don't see why Cave Story wouldn't work on IOS, but this comes close.
This past week I finally picked this up and find it crazy that this thread is only 11 pages long. Then again I am also guilty of passing Kero Blaster up maybe due to the price tag, or the app icon, but I couldn't put my finger on why I was not intrigued enough to pull the trigger on a funny looking pixelated frog. I was also aware that this had been produced by Pixel, the same guy who created Cave Story, however he had released a simple .99 cent title before on iOS that screamed 'meh' to me, so I figured this was in the same vein. That was until TheVerge recently wrote up an article on the 21 games every person should probably have on their iPhone and surprisingly Kero Blaster was one of them. I decided 'what the heck' and hit the purchase button on that weird looking frog sitting in my iTunes wish list window for months, and I am so glad I did! To put it simply this has been one of the most thoroughly enjoyable gaming experiences on iOS that I have had. The controls, music, sprites, abilities, variation in level/enemy design completely warrant the small price tag. I love it so much in fact that it has easily become my all time favorite iOS title and I am hoping Pixel can either continue this story into new releases, or continue creating charming platformers for iPhone!
Looks like I'll be recording my play through of Kero Blaster and sharing it with you if you'd like to follow along. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
anything about an update? i noticed when it came out that it was 7.1 exclusive and now i just realized i never checked, sad to see it wasn't address yet. i'm DYING to play this... but i'm not dying to update my iOS...
Why can't this be universal? Whyyyyy! I never purchase "iphone only" games but I'm about to hit the buy button on this one ####
This is completely unplayable on an iPad. Shame on those who said it plays fine on one. I don't know what to do at this point. Keep a game that I cannot play or ask for a refund if it's even possible. If this was a buck or two I probably wouldn't mind but at $5 it's ticking me off.
When did you buy it? If you JUST got it, go for a refund. I totally remember it being slow as hell on iPad and completely unplayable (unless you try and play it normally, without 2X). If you bought it months ago, eh...good luck with that.
It was about 2 days ago. I hope that's not too long. I didn't have a chance to play it until last night.
Anyone waiting on this should grab it now as the price will be going up when the new update hits (as it should). The wayward souls method of pricing has always been a great idea IMHO.
Finally gets an update but still no universal support.. Awesome game but the controls on iPad just don't feel right.. #####
Don't expect it to go universal. It's much like Corpse Party and SMT...the Japanese really don't care for the iPad.