Massive $0.99 KemCo Sale: Alphadia 2 Cross Hearts Arcadia Infinite Dunamis Destiny Fantasia Chrone Wolf Chronus Arc Journey to Kreisia
Out of the 7 games on sales, any top 3 recommendations? Looking to buy 3 of em so that I can lock myself in a deep dark cave for a few days.
I really enjoyed chronos arc. I do find kemco games very hit and miss but I always find myself picking them up when they drop to this price
Bumpity bump bump. Current Kemco titles on sale: RPG Crystareino RPG Link of Hearts RPG Illusion of L'Phalcia RPG Chrome Wolf RPG Revenant Saga RPG Rusted Emeth
Honestly, I haven't played any of the Kemco games I purchased. But since they were $0.99, I guess it's ok.