Update 5/26/14 Massive $0.99 KemCo Sale: Alphadia 2 Cross Hearts Arcadia Infinite Dunamis Destiny Fantasia Chrone Wolf Chronus Arc Journey to Kreisia
Thanks for the thread. I wanted to post one last night but just was too tired and lazy. DarkGate https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/rpg-darkgate-kemco/id481618630?mt=8 Symphony of Eternity https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/rpg-symphony-of-eternity/id465918332?mt=8 Grinsia https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/rpg-grinsia/id502495244?mt=8 Fantasy Chronicle https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/rpg-fantasy-chronicle/id441242571?mt=8
Thanks..do any of these have puzzles like in Zelda etc? Or are they just hack and slash and ask questions later kind of rpgs? Cheers.
Honestly I don't know. I own about 6 of these Kemco RPG's now but haven't played one of them. I have done my research though and they are all pretty well loved turn based rpgs so I know I will enjoy em. So the goal I'd expect would be getting strong enough to face certain enemies... exploring the world... and so on. I don't think any of these are action RPG's.
The Kemco games are japanese style role playing games involving turn based combat. I wouldn't compare them to Zelda (because Zelda is much more an action game because combat is fluid). JRPGs involve a bit of puzzle solving in terms of world exploration to solve environmental puzzles (access a new area) or progress the plot. I recommend downloading at least one of them at the price to play around with and see if you enjoy the JRPG style. If you're interested in top down action role playing games then Korean RPGs (KRPG) is more that style (and consider Master of Dungeon or Dragon Knight IV, both free). You can check the iOS RPG list in my signature if you're looking for more action oriented RPG games.
I haven’t played these a lot because like nightc1 they’re in my backlog but I understand each has unique elements summarized below so it's a matter of your preference: Grinsia – focuses on attaining “treasure” that can be equip to alter your characters skills. Each character reacts to plot points differently so the plot is “customizable” by being tailored somewhat to your party composition. Fantasy Chronicles – has a monster collection component emphasizing companions/guardians including training them. Symphony of Eternity – more of a general world exploration RPG. DarkGate – detailed stat customization and leveling up with job system and multiple endings. I think they are accessible for novices but JRPGs typically require a good investment of time to build up characters and for the plot to develop. The iOS controls are straightforward and intuitive. DarkGate has more complicated character development so unless that appeals to you it might not be the best starting place, consider Symphony of Eternity.
This is going off of what I read before buying these games... I think for a noob to these kinds of games, DarkGate is the last one you want. It's the most confusing as far as the job system as only certain job classes will let you beat certain bosses and I think it could be a little too frustrating not expecting to put so much attention on the job system. Here's a link to the thread for Dark Gate on the main games forum here: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=160966&highlight=dark+gate Read what undeadcow posted though. If it were me and I were buying one, I'd go with Symphony of Eternity because I like more world exploration and traditional Japanese RPG's of yesteryear. But someone else may lean towards monster collecting/training or treasure hunting in the other two games. I don't think you can go wrong with any of those three.
Is DarkGate in English? Some of the screenshots have English, but some have Japanese, and the listing on the side in the App Store says 'Japanese' only.
All the Kemco RPGs included in this sale are in english. Specifically I can confirm DarkGate is in english.
Back when I was little I had all the time in the world to play games, I just couldnt afford them (and didnt have parents that would spoil me with games). Now I see game after game after game I want, I can afford, and have no effing time to play! For every game I buy and play, I buy 3 or 4 more that never get more than 5 minutes of my time and never get launched again, then get removed for the latest and greatest games. WHY GOD MUST YOU MOCK ME! /firstworldproblems Okay, bought them all. Eve of the genesis any good? Sigh I dont even care. Im on a spending spree. Bought it too.
I just started the game. If you have your device set to Japanese it'll be in Japanese, if it's set to English it'll default to English. There's a toggle switch in the settings for the Language. I started the game with it defaulted on English and everything was in English. So, no it's not Japanese only. But that is an option. EDIT: I didn't even notice we were on page 2 and undeadcow answered the q.
These games are good, but if I had to pick one it would definately be Fantasy Chronicle. To me it's the most polished with a great story and a dash of deeper JRPGs with things like weapons forging. It will be on my top 10 games of the year. It's that good. Oh and don't let the monster/companion thing scare you off. I never got into monster collecting games like Pokemon. And while it's a component of the game, it feels natural and doesn't take lot of effort compared to games that focus on it. Only get DarkGate if you're able to put some serious time into learning the job system. It's by far Kemco's deepest RPG but also, to me, the least accessible, especially for noobs.
Thats how i felt as well. Almost guaranteed I end up playing none of them, but I bought them all anyways
Of the Kemco games in the US AppStore... the only RPG I lack from them is Alphadia 2. Looking at the Japanese site for the company, seems like there are a bunch yet to come here... but it seems like they are continuing to localize them. Given the feedback by others, I think I'll bump Fantasy Chronicle to the second one I play.
While it's not a Kemco game, Dragons Odyssey Frane is also currently on sale, and is definitely worth a look if you prefer Japanese RPGs to Korean ones. This one is a real-time ARPG, but the writing, gameplay and production values are miles above the usual KRPG fare.