Universal Karateka Classic (By Kareteka LLC) [Universal]

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, May 15, 2013.

  1. grillaface

    grillaface Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
    Richmond VA
    This is excellent - Jordan Mechner a genius.
  2. el padre

    el padre Active Member

    Feb 24, 2009
    Gliwice, Poland
    Multiplayer? In '80? Only on the same machine and the same screen. No other way, Sir. I assume you were born after 2000, am I right? Multiplayer... It was a dream of the future.
  3. Bronxsta

    Bronxsta Well-Known Member

    I remember reading this game has some roguelike qualities. Only one life and you have to be cautious and time your strikes cause you can die easily (but fairly)
    Is that true?

    Also any kind of replay value and about how long?
  4. m44

    m44 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2013
    #24 m44, May 16, 2013
    Last edited: May 16, 2013
    It's definitely about timing and knowing how to approach an enemy. After you clear the first two gates, you can use a continue. The game calls it a rewind. There's also helpful tips that pop up when you die. The original game was only 1 life, so this is much less punishing.

    I would say medium replay value. There's no Game Center leader boards or achievements. It took me a little over 29 minutes (with 7 rewinds) on my first play through. I really enjoyed it. It was the only new release tonight that caught my eye. I would recommend the game, but; only if you like the game play videos.

    Also, the control scheme works really well . . . Overall, I would give it 4 out of 5 stars. :)

    29 minutes didn't include the time I spent playing before using a rewind. There were times I would fight for 3 or 4 minutes before getting killed and rewinding. . . . . So total time spent on the first play through was actually somewhere around 45 minutes or so.
  5. LCDDreams

    LCDDreams Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2011
    Game Designer
    San Jose, CA
    This is so awesome. LOVED this game on my apple IIe back in the day, and it's just as good on my iPad now. Ha, the disk access sound and being able to switch between monochrome and color screens is great. Behind Baldur's Gate, this is the best retro re-release ever!
  6. gus1

    gus1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2009
    Just finished playing the game. Takes me back to the old Apple days. Very nostalgic trip back... Controls were very good to my surprise. Was a bit skeptical but got the hang of the virtual controls quickly. The rewind feature was nice. My reflexes aren't what it used to be. :D
    Just hoping for a port of "dark castle" or "castle wolfenstein" now!
  7. squabs

    squabs Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2012
    My god, as soon as the Broderbund logo came on the screen I felt a pang of emotion that no other iPad game has ever evoked, it brought me right back to when I was young and swapped disks with friends at school, and would rush home with excitement and load them up and play for hours on end on a monochrome screen. Broderbund was a big deal back then, I used to love ancient art of war, and played where in the world is Carmen sandiago on c64 at school. All that's missing is clicky micro switch joysticks and long loading times. Thank you so much for the memories of great times!
  8. Odulin

    Odulin Member

    Dec 27, 2010
    Nove Straseci
    I think it's a time to fix one of my game sins.:) I'm in video games since 1989, but I've never ever played this Mechner's classic. And it's only for 1$...
  9. B3NDoX

    B3NDoX Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2013
    I think it's unfair to rate this game on anything other then how well it is ported. The controls are awkward at times but never bad. Solid port, great classical game.
  10. drloony

    drloony Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2012
    Being new to this game I have some inquiries. Is it very long or difficult to clear? Is the punch basically for show? Seems like using it doesn't help very much. Any tips would be nice, I made it past the first door that shuts to kill you, but it seems like the game is getting harder
  11. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    I'd never played it before. Really like it. Can see where the classic 8 bit game way of the exploding fist got its inspiration from
  12. DrJD

    DrJD Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    in transit
    Just finished playing through this and, wow, add my name to the nostalgia trip list! It's so much easier with the rewind than it was on my parents' Apple ][+...

    Definitely a must-get for anyone who remembers the original game. I was surprised by how well it stands up, and the virtual controls work surprisingly well. Those who are too young to have played the original may be less excited, but I'd recommend it to anyone interested in video game history as it was one of the first truly "cinematic" games (I think it's the first time I ever remember seeing a cut-scene).

    And one (sort of) easter egg that I haven't seen mentioned anywhere lately:
    There's an amusing way to die at the end. I had heard rumors back in the day but was afraid to try after finally making it all the way to the end, but with the rewind I finally got to see this...
  13. DrJD

    DrJD Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    in transit
    It's not very long (the time it listed for me was a bit over 30 minutes, but I don't think that counts rewinds, which I needed a few of, and I died a few times before getting to the point where you can rewind), but I did know a few tricks since I played the original. That was long, because you had to start over every time you died...

    I mainly use low or middle kicks. Wait for an opponent to move in and then kick. And watch their patterns; you can learn when you can move to the right and attack (it is good to attack as frequently as possible if your health is not about to run out, since enemies regain health as well as you). As for punching, it's really not needed for most enemies (although if you're close in you can punch faster than kick), but there is one key piece of advice: "Always punch the hawk!"
  14. drloony

    drloony Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2012
    I'm glad to hear it's not too long, the fighting can get bit repetitive and tough. But it's a great retro ride, it's nice that they made it easier with the rewind, these oldies can be brutal. Thanks for the tips
  15. m44

    m44 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2013
    You can punch while moving your character forward. I found a really good walk through for the original game: http://strategywiki.org/wiki/Karateka

    I think the Apple ][ ran at 8 frames per second. Does anybody know if the iOS version of Karateka runs at the same frame rate??? . . . It really doesn't matter, I'm just curious.
  16. iPadisGreat

    iPadisGreat Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    If you are talking about the
    princess killing Karateka in one blow, that had always made me wonder if she so powerful, why she captive of Akuma? Maybe she big boss of Akuma, to be revealed in Karateka II
    ... :)
  17. PCKid

    PCKid Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2008
    Game Player
    Western Australia
    Looking at the app with iExplorer it appears to be using the old Apple ][c Emulator. Anyone worked out whether there is away to play any other ][c games on it. I tried just adding one to the apps documents folder ala Gridlee but that did nothing
  18. squabs

    squabs Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2012
    #38 squabs, May 17, 2013
    Last edited: May 17, 2013
    Omg! I was just doing the same thing! It's activegs emulator but its customized to checksum the rom, I've been modifying karateka.activegsxml to try to fool it into running a renamed rom file. I hex edited the active_gskarateka emulator binary but can't find any reference to a checksum. When you load the game it creates a config file in /karatekalocaldata but it renews it every time it loads. So until somebody can find and circumvent the checking routine in the emulator.....
    Btw the apple ii boot rom is in /nucleus.....
  19. DrJD

    DrJD Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    in transit
    Yeah, that's what I was talking about, and it does make you wonder... :confused:
  20. hvianna

    hvianna Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    IT Analyst / Webmaster
    But you can easily do that in the original ActiveGS app (Best of FTA).

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