Link: Kaiju Attack 2 Game Stew To wash away the shame of defeat two years ago, Chaos has gathered an alien coalition, attacking Earth once more, citing… $2.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsTo wash away the shame of defeat two years ago, Chaos has gathered an alien coalition, attacking Earth once more, citing humanity's sins as justification. Even the once-defending superhero now turns against us. As the commander, how will you resolve this crisis? What lies ahead for humanity and Earth? Game Intro Kaiju Attack 2, the sequel to our critically acclaimed title released two years ago, builds upon the strengths of the first installment while addressing its shortcomings. We've introduced numerous new features and enhancements, including: - Faster-paced and more intense gameplay. - Introduction of currency tiles alongside the existing three types. - Ability to deploy multiple types of secret weapons simultaneously. - Nine new alien bosses with smarter, more cunning behavior AI for increased challenge. - Eight new secret weapons, including super robots capable of splitting into three separate units and combining. Information Seller:Game Stew Genre:Arcade, Strategy Release:Jun 13, 2024 Updated:Jun 13, 2024 Version:1.0.0 Size:139.5 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal sebgo likes this. PBSNellie Well-Known Member Jul 7, 2013 1,381 168 63 Southern CA #2 PBSNellie, Jun 13, 2024 Insta Buy. So far it exceeds the original. Anotherkellydown likes this. sugimulm Well-Known Member Aug 28, 2010 2,457 46 48 The last time zone for iOS game releases :( #3 sugimulm, Jun 13, 2024 Insta-buy baby Torrente Well-Known Member Jun 6, 2024 99 27 18 #4 Torrente, Jun 13, 2024 Bam - Bought! Torrente Well-Known Member Jun 6, 2024 99 27 18 #5 Torrente, Jun 13, 2024 Last edited: Jun 13, 2024 It’s faster paced and the annoying typewriting sound is gone, thankfully. They removed the planes for some reason? Now you only fight with tanks. Is freeze weapon super-OP like it was in the first game? Im gonna go for it anyway. Impressions: I feel they bumped up the difficulty a bit too much here. There is some really cheap stuff going on. You can have a super good run and almost win - just for the boss to go crazy on you and blow away 50% of your board and killing you instantly. That feel really cheap. And they made it so you can go minus with your cash. If you have a really bad game and the boss wreck alot of your stuff, but you manage to squeeze out a win anyway. Forget about that 5hit because then the negative balance from the game is taken from you home base money pool leaving you with a empty bank account! That is just wrong. Why even finish one of those runs - better to hit exit and restart in those cases. Everything feels a underpowered. Maybe it will change when you upgrade your stuff a bit more? The dinosaur is the new freeze weapon apparently. I will put everything into that just like i did in the first game - maybe the game will be manageble after that. None of the super weapons feel really worth using. The nuclear reactor can kill you if it blows up and the freeze ray is so costly to use that it feels like it isnt worth it. They have to balance this better if im gonna continue playing this. LordGek Well-Known Member Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Feb 19, 2009 12,282 141 63 Software QA Engineer Saratoga, CA, USA #6 LordGek, Jun 14, 2024 Noice! One of my favorite Game Stew all we need is a sequel to Maze of Madness and we can call it a day. sebgo likes this. djstout Well-Known Member Jul 21, 2011 2,685 105 63 Sportscaster & football (soccer) coach Taiwan & Japan #7 djstout, Jun 14, 2024 Game stew = Instant buy for me! houseofg Well-Known Member Patreon Bronze Oct 1, 2013 1,611 82 48 #8 houseofg, Jun 14, 2024 Thanks for the detailed first impressions. Hmm, this is making me pause in buying this one. Anyone else feeling this? Torrente Well-Known Member Jun 6, 2024 99 27 18 #9 Torrente, Jun 14, 2024 Np. I played it for ~5h or so, beat it halfways, but now its deleted. In my opinion ts just to rough right now. the game is good, in fact one can argu that its better than the first with its larger board and faster gameplay. Whats make it bad right now is that it need a proper balancing. Its like the devs didnt even playtested this and just pushed it out. Its the small things here and there that you notice after 1h playing it. The game cheats basically, and all odds are stacked against you. If you want to come to a level where you might have a decent chance to win on regular basis Its a MASSIVE grind, and even after that the bosses still cheat and can just oneshot you if they feel like it. loved the first game, finished it 3 times, this one is a dissapointment right now. I will have my eyes open for a update in the future, until then im done with this game. 2/5. houseofg likes this. Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #10 Anotherkellydown, Jun 14, 2024 Personally, I’ve been having a blast with it. I didn’t notice anything being overly difficult - Yes, you will probably lose some battles, but that’s to be expected. I’ve beaten all but the last three bosses without much trouble. And you can upgrade your units again in this one, which makes things more manageable. If you liked the first game, I say go for it. houseofg likes this. houseofg Well-Known Member Patreon Bronze Oct 1, 2013 1,611 82 48 #11 houseofg, Jun 14, 2024 While I've purchase plenty other of their games, I did not get the first iteration of this one. What am I missing with secret weapons? The option comes up each time but I can't actually deploy. Do I just need to be further leveled and have more resources to deploy them? Torrente Well-Known Member Jun 6, 2024 99 27 18 #12 Torrente, Jun 14, 2024 Last edited: Jun 15, 2024 The secret weapons is key in the first game. Basically you want the Freeze Ray and you want to upgrade it to the max asap. In the first game you can just deploy it and it cost you nothing. If the Kaiju destroys it you can just deploy it again. And so on. But they changed it in Kaiju 2. Now it cost to deploy, plus they nerfed it to hell and it drains a massive amount of energy each turn. Just forget about all the secret weapons - they will just drain your precious energy. You are better off not using secret weapons at all and just rely on your normal artillery and pray to god that the Kaiju dont go crazy and wipe your entire board. But you will come to a point where that is not fiecable and you just get wrecked no matter what. Thats the point when you uninstall and realize that the devs f:d up. If you like this game, try the first one. Its slower, has a smaller battlefield, and you have to deal with some minor jankyness, but at least its manageble. I had a really good time with the first, played it through three times. Anotherkellydown and houseofg like this. LordGek Well-Known Member Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Feb 19, 2009 12,282 141 63 Software QA Engineer Saratoga, CA, USA #13 LordGek, Jun 17, 2024 You might have gotten into my situation. The game defaults to Taiwan whose secret weapon ONLY WORKS IF YOU HAVE THE 3 OTHER REQUIRED SECRET WEAPONS BOTH UNLOCKED AND IN THE FIELD. So your best bet when starting the game is immediately switch over to some other countries. As far as I know, Taiwan's secret weapon is the only 1 to have all of these special requirements to use. I have to say that's an odd way to start the game. The devs should have the player default to another starting country or switch Taiwan's secret weapon as this is sure to confuse others who have no idea why they can't summon the first secret weapon they're presented with in the game. Anotherkellydown and Duke12 like this. Torrente Well-Known Member Jun 6, 2024 99 27 18 #14 Torrente, Jun 17, 2024 Last edited: Jun 17, 2024 Dont even worry about that super-weapon. The game is foolish enough to expect you to first gather the three other special weapons, and then take the Taiwan super weapon. And then they can be combined to the super ultra mega secret weapon that will drain your resources EVEN faster… Dont bother with this. Your power will never be to the point where you can actually use it. Its straight up jank. The devs didnt think this one through. Play the first game instead is my recommendation. andreadeda Well-Known Member Mar 6, 2013 174 43 28 #15 andreadeda, Jun 17, 2024 Just finished it; liked the first one and enjoyed this sequel that is basically just more of the same. I didn't find it too hard once i remembered that you can actually swap any two tiles on the board (not just two adjacent ones). I found the freeze Godzilla super weapon useful and i upgraded it to get an higher chance of freezing; don't buy it straight away though, you first need to accumulate energy in the first turns and only buy it when you can afford the upkeep. All in all another solid game from Game Stew, if you like their games or the previous one it's very likely that you will like this as well. Roxton likes this. Rocco SE Well-Known Member Jun 16, 2020 267 258 63 Male Modern Mime Artist Austria #16 Rocco SE, Jun 17, 2024 Wait, whaaaaaat?!?! Roxton Well-Known Member Patreon Bronze Jan 30, 2015 170 90 28 #17 Roxton, Jun 18, 2024 Obligatory victory post MVPs: Power Plant, Battle Bear, Kirov Airship, money tiles Attached Files: IMG_7515.jpeg File size: 286.8 KB Views: 1 Anotherkellydown likes this. andreadeda Well-Known Member Mar 6, 2013 174 43 28 #18 andreadeda, Jun 18, 2024 Never used power plant but agree with the rest; made abundant use of Kirov Airship Roxton likes this. andreadeda Well-Known Member Mar 6, 2013 174 43 28 #19 andreadeda, Jun 18, 2024 Yeah, it was the same in the first title; i found it very hard untill i realised i could swap any two tiles... i believe they should explain it in the tutorial because 99% of match 3 games only allow you to swap adjacent tiles...that might be one of the reason people find this game hard. I think is pretty well balanced Roxton likes this. Roxton Well-Known Member Patreon Bronze Jan 30, 2015 170 90 28 #20 Roxton, Jun 18, 2024 Yeah, for anyone struggling, airship is amazing, although it requires some strategizing to use effectively. You can’t die if your HP is higher than the population on the grid. Solution: evacuate the grid. Note that it will always go after one of your highest tier pop units. Use it when you stand to lose fatal HP. Used more aggressively, you can delay/prevent population units from evolving past 3, keeping the board free of 5 tiers of unmatchable dross, but it gets expensive. houseofg likes this. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
It’s faster paced and the annoying typewriting sound is gone, thankfully. They removed the planes for some reason? Now you only fight with tanks. Is freeze weapon super-OP like it was in the first game? Im gonna go for it anyway. Impressions: I feel they bumped up the difficulty a bit too much here. There is some really cheap stuff going on. You can have a super good run and almost win - just for the boss to go crazy on you and blow away 50% of your board and killing you instantly. That feel really cheap. And they made it so you can go minus with your cash. If you have a really bad game and the boss wreck alot of your stuff, but you manage to squeeze out a win anyway. Forget about that 5hit because then the negative balance from the game is taken from you home base money pool leaving you with a empty bank account! That is just wrong. Why even finish one of those runs - better to hit exit and restart in those cases. Everything feels a underpowered. Maybe it will change when you upgrade your stuff a bit more? The dinosaur is the new freeze weapon apparently. I will put everything into that just like i did in the first game - maybe the game will be manageble after that. None of the super weapons feel really worth using. The nuclear reactor can kill you if it blows up and the freeze ray is so costly to use that it feels like it isnt worth it. They have to balance this better if im gonna continue playing this.
Noice! One of my favorite Game Stew all we need is a sequel to Maze of Madness and we can call it a day.
Thanks for the detailed first impressions. Hmm, this is making me pause in buying this one. Anyone else feeling this?
Np. I played it for ~5h or so, beat it halfways, but now its deleted. In my opinion ts just to rough right now. the game is good, in fact one can argu that its better than the first with its larger board and faster gameplay. Whats make it bad right now is that it need a proper balancing. Its like the devs didnt even playtested this and just pushed it out. Its the small things here and there that you notice after 1h playing it. The game cheats basically, and all odds are stacked against you. If you want to come to a level where you might have a decent chance to win on regular basis Its a MASSIVE grind, and even after that the bosses still cheat and can just oneshot you if they feel like it. loved the first game, finished it 3 times, this one is a dissapointment right now. I will have my eyes open for a update in the future, until then im done with this game. 2/5.
Personally, I’ve been having a blast with it. I didn’t notice anything being overly difficult - Yes, you will probably lose some battles, but that’s to be expected. I’ve beaten all but the last three bosses without much trouble. And you can upgrade your units again in this one, which makes things more manageable. If you liked the first game, I say go for it.
While I've purchase plenty other of their games, I did not get the first iteration of this one. What am I missing with secret weapons? The option comes up each time but I can't actually deploy. Do I just need to be further leveled and have more resources to deploy them?
The secret weapons is key in the first game. Basically you want the Freeze Ray and you want to upgrade it to the max asap. In the first game you can just deploy it and it cost you nothing. If the Kaiju destroys it you can just deploy it again. And so on. But they changed it in Kaiju 2. Now it cost to deploy, plus they nerfed it to hell and it drains a massive amount of energy each turn. Just forget about all the secret weapons - they will just drain your precious energy. You are better off not using secret weapons at all and just rely on your normal artillery and pray to god that the Kaiju dont go crazy and wipe your entire board. But you will come to a point where that is not fiecable and you just get wrecked no matter what. Thats the point when you uninstall and realize that the devs f:d up. If you like this game, try the first one. Its slower, has a smaller battlefield, and you have to deal with some minor jankyness, but at least its manageble. I had a really good time with the first, played it through three times.
You might have gotten into my situation. The game defaults to Taiwan whose secret weapon ONLY WORKS IF YOU HAVE THE 3 OTHER REQUIRED SECRET WEAPONS BOTH UNLOCKED AND IN THE FIELD. So your best bet when starting the game is immediately switch over to some other countries. As far as I know, Taiwan's secret weapon is the only 1 to have all of these special requirements to use. I have to say that's an odd way to start the game. The devs should have the player default to another starting country or switch Taiwan's secret weapon as this is sure to confuse others who have no idea why they can't summon the first secret weapon they're presented with in the game.
Dont even worry about that super-weapon. The game is foolish enough to expect you to first gather the three other special weapons, and then take the Taiwan super weapon. And then they can be combined to the super ultra mega secret weapon that will drain your resources EVEN faster… Dont bother with this. Your power will never be to the point where you can actually use it. Its straight up jank. The devs didnt think this one through. Play the first game instead is my recommendation.
Just finished it; liked the first one and enjoyed this sequel that is basically just more of the same. I didn't find it too hard once i remembered that you can actually swap any two tiles on the board (not just two adjacent ones). I found the freeze Godzilla super weapon useful and i upgraded it to get an higher chance of freezing; don't buy it straight away though, you first need to accumulate energy in the first turns and only buy it when you can afford the upkeep. All in all another solid game from Game Stew, if you like their games or the previous one it's very likely that you will like this as well.
Yeah, it was the same in the first title; i found it very hard untill i realised i could swap any two tiles... i believe they should explain it in the tutorial because 99% of match 3 games only allow you to swap adjacent tiles...that might be one of the reason people find this game hard. I think is pretty well balanced
Yeah, for anyone struggling, airship is amazing, although it requires some strategizing to use effectively. You can’t die if your HP is higher than the population on the grid. Solution: evacuate the grid. Note that it will always go after one of your highest tier pop units. Use it when you stand to lose fatal HP. Used more aggressively, you can delay/prevent population units from evolving past 3, keeping the board free of 5 tiers of unmatchable dross, but it gets expensive.