All thats going to do is phonetically have a stab at speaking the word. Text to speech is pretty poor with real words let alone made up ones. Im pretty sure its just a funky spelling of Judge other words also have u replaced with y too. The firearm is even called a gavel. Yeah really there is little doubt its Judge.
Still say it’s like Judge. The game reminds me of Judge Dredd so I think personally the devs know that hence the strange spelling of Judge. If they called the game Judge there might have been contact from. MRebellion who own Judge Dredd The game to me hints totally of a Dredd game
Just been playing this again for a good session. iPad Pro and nimbus controller. This is a great game, love it!!
Got back into this game recently. With so many games I sadly ignored this one more than I should Been playing it a lot and love it. On the third act now. Plays so well. Worth picking up for sure if you passed this one by
@psj3809 I never did get this and just popped by to say it’s on sale for £1.99 so I’ll be getting it now.
I love it. Done most of the missions on easy and medium. Repeated lots of them as well. Great little game
Doh. Shouldn’t have clicked this thread. Playing this again! Picked this up on and off over the years but always uninstalled when I tried to 3 star one stage at a time and got burnt out. This turn, I mostly just kept progressing until I get gated then return to earlier stages. Makes it much more relaxing. Just have one last stage to unlock!
Normally i do all the missions on easy on a game and move onto the next (As i have soooo many games to play) but i wouldnt normally try and max out all the levels. But this is one of the few games where i play it loads to 'try' and do that. A great game
I personally like Neon Chrome better; I'm not completely sure, but I think I'm not into the merciless(?) cop setting and the short mission (even timed) format. Also, I feel like the JYDGE moves slightly faster than I'm used to, making movement feel a bit floaty and less precise for me (at least when played with Joy-Con). I like the overall neonchrome-ish aesthetic, the few upgrades I managed to unlock in past runs and the shooting mechanics (10tons, after all), though.