Universal Just Ski (by Farseer Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by JeffWeber, May 10, 2017.

  1. JeffWeber

    JeffWeber Well-Known Member

    Nice run! Nice crash too!

    Thanks for sharing.
  2. Andy C83

    Andy C83 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2010
    Over the Rainbow
    Haha, no worries. Thanks for the game. :)

    AppUnwrapper contacted me about Just Ski on Twitter, thinking that it'd be a game I'd love and she wasn't wrong — I'd been itching to play this for the past few days. Downloaded it earlier and like most of y'all I was all over the place at first, landing on my head more often than not. Experimented with the controls a bit and began to get into a groove, and it feels good when you do.

    Love the Desert Golfing vibe in Just Ski. Also love the fact that the game isn't endless - I will be trying to reach the end. :)
  3. JeffWeber

    JeffWeber Well-Known Member

    Have you experimented with front flips yet? Sometimes I think with front flips it's easier to stick the landing. They also add a little variety to the run.

    To front flip, stretch out as you approach the jump, then swipe down gently when it's jump time. Basically the reverse of what you normally do. :)

  4. brianj22

    brianj22 Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2016
    The moon is nice and blue now!
  5. JeffWeber

    JeffWeber Well-Known Member

  6. brianj22

    brianj22 Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2016
    Are the controls in Krashlander similar?
  7. JeffWeber

    JeffWeber Well-Known Member

    Controls in Krashlander work similar but are a bit more complex as they allow you to lean back or forward as well. There is a sort of easy mode, though that allows you to adjust your spin in the air a little bit. Hard to explain.

  8. brianj22

    brianj22 Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2016
    Cool, Just Ski is crack so I grabbed Krashlander too.
  9. JeffWeber

    JeffWeber Well-Known Member

    Cool. Thanks!
  10. MoHeyNow

    MoHeyNow Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2010
    Thanks for the feedback. Okay so it's getting better, I've gotten to green more consistently through tucking into a fast spin asap and pulling out of the spin right away so I have time to correct and sprin faster again if needed if this makes sense...

    I still find a level of randomness coming off a jump. I found in Krashlander once you nailed the controls it was all skill and often times even if I fell I could get back up and recover which I've only done a few times in this (which is rewarding seeing the restart button disappear). Perhaps I'm comparing the 2 too much. Is there a way to get consistent results?

    Again I do enjoy the game and am having fun with it! Thanks
  11. JeffWeber

    JeffWeber Well-Known Member

    When you say you are tucking into a fast spin it worries me that you might be approaching this much to aggressively. Your thumb should never need to make abrupt movements. Try to relax and just float along without spinning too fast. The slower you spin(within reason) the easier it is to line up your landing. I feel like I get pretty consistent results this way.

    The biggest thing with saving your self in this game is you often lose momentum when you touch ground and can't get it back real easily. I find I can occasionally get it back by doing some quick front flips over jumps but that only works if you haven't lost TOO much momentum.

    And the end of the day, this is a pretty different game than Krashlander. It's meant to be a quick pick-up-and-play game with a single mechanic.

    Glad you are enjoying it.
  12. collider

    collider Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Mar 22, 2013
    CEO/Owner Collider, Inc.
    Been playing this since it came out - love it! I've only gotten a little farther than Andy's crash on green (but not triple jumping the whole way - you are a piece of work Andy!). I think by the time I get to the end I'll have put as much time as I did in Krashlander...

    I wonder if making the first couple jumps a bit softer might help ease people into it more... it took me a while to get the controls down, I had no intention of stopping, but I could totally see why someone would get frustrated and quit too soon.

    Anyway - this has totally replaced Leap Day as my subway app for the time being... I've come close to missing my stop a couple times because I didn't want to end a good run! I have a work trip to florida tomorrow - going to try to hit the end by the time I land...
  13. JeffWeber

    JeffWeber Well-Known Member

    Hey collider. Thanks for the feedback. I'll give the first jump some consideration. Not sure if making it smaller/softer will make it easier for new people but I'll do some testing.

    Glad you are enjoying it!

  14. collider

    collider Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Mar 22, 2013
    CEO/Owner Collider, Inc.
    Yeah, maybe not, if you can't make the first hill, you have very little chance of making the rest. And it does have the added benefit of instant reset for more practice time.
    Anyway, I have no real gripes on it, just spitballing the rage quit scenario, your games are always good.
  15. JeffWeber

    JeffWeber Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I think the rage-quit scenario is one of the biggest issues with the game. I think it'll have a hard time reaching more than a niche audience giving it's steep learning curve.

    I am working on checkpoints which may help some but not sure that will be enough.

  16. CzarBrain

    CzarBrain Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012

    Same issue myself. Forward or back people, that easy.
  17. JeffWeber

    JeffWeber Well-Known Member

    Hey CzarBrain. Sorry to hear u too are on the edge of moving on out of frustration.

    Not saying this to minimize your frustration, but remember real life skiing is also difficult to learn, but worth it in the end. I think Just Ski is worth the pain required to learn it..

    Just Ski is a very skill-based game that requires some new muscle memory. This is what makes it so difficult to learn and also what makes it so rewarding.

    Hope u keep at it a bit longer.
  18. brianj22

    brianj22 Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2016
    Like you said, once you start to get into it, you feel very in control. To me, this should be the mechanic all other games like this use as an example from now on. I can't really go back to other games anymore except for maybe Alto.
  19. brianj22

    brianj22 Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2016
    Other games like this that is hha
  20. JeffWeber

    JeffWeber Well-Known Member

    :) Glad you pushed through until you go the feel for it. And yeah, Alto is amazing!

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