Just finished Assassin's Creed Altair's chronicles...good graphics...long game givin its on the iphone (typical gameloft)... BUT !!! all that jumping got very frustrating after a short time...but i had to finish it....its like watching a bad movie, you keep watching hoping it will get better...but like a festered limb.. it never does and in the end your left singing the theme to the movie "the crying game"...ok i'm done i can remove the game and die in peace now...
The ending of this game pissed me off more than any other cliffhanger ever. The console version cliffhanger left suspense, this one just stops suddenly.
i did not think it was hard...just annoying, and as for the cliff hanger it just left me feelling like ... "what, there's gonna be more... oi!"...I thought midget juggling was banned since 2004....
You said you literally just peed yourself from laughing so hard. You know what literally means, don't you? =P And he's either joking around, or someone jacked his account, read his past posts, and compare.
I'm supposed to be writing a college essay, but am posting here and browsing the now not-as-active forums since people are sleeping.
Lol this thread is like totally off topic. Let's make it even MORE off topic and see if we can set a record for most off topic thread. So... What do u think George w bush did alone in the oval office? My opinion is that he practised his cursive writing on paper with 10 inch lines.