Welcome back Muscat!! We ALL can't wait for the future updates!!! Give us some more hints!!! Please!!
great news, I had reached the point the other day where I bought everything that needed to be bought PLEASE NEW MISSIONS
Hey everyone! We still occasionally get reports of coins disappearing in peoples builds. To try and fix the problem, I have created a little form, which is going to help us collect us much information as possible about the situation. One of the tricky things has been people telling us they are having the coin error simply to try and grab free coins off us, which is making our job much much harder with lots of false positive reports. As such, this form does not ask for Openfeint usernames, and gives us no information which would allow us to reimburse coins. For that, you still need to contact me via PM. If you have had the problem in 1.1 please give us a hand by filling out this handy little form! http://j.mp/mWV93A
Weeeelllll, I feel quite sucky hearing that, because I deleted the game after loosing thousands of coins - losing my achievements and everything. Oh well. I might download it again if the next update offers anything worth it.
Finally did it A month ago, this game was released on a Thursday, much like a number of other titles that come and go. This one was different. I became addicted and was thoroughly enjoying myself. At first, it was getting all of the achievements. That day came and went and I noticed that I was progressing nicely on the Total Distance leader board. I thought it would be fun to see if I could rank somewhere in the top 10. Turns out, I took over #1 and found myself nervously trying to stay on top. Then came the missions. I calculated that you need 1,875 missions to get the 125 badges. Okay, that should take a fair amount of time. Little did I know, this game would grow on me. I've played this title non-stop since release, missing out on all of the new releases that I'm now dying to play. I finally achieved my last goal tonight. 1,875 missions complete, 125 badges done. I wanted to share my accomplishment and what I consider end of game stats. Yes it's an endless runner game, but to me, this is my conclusion for now. If you want to PM me to see what happens when it ends, let me know. With that, here are my "final" stats. I'll continue playing this game on and off, but I am desperate for something new (Shadowgun, Gyro-13, I'm looking at you!). So here they are: My final candid shot!
You, sir, are quite amazingly awesome. I wish I had that kind of time and commitment. Congratulations, and you completely deserve it. You should get a special mention or something, like an outfit named after you.
Well MicroByte... You sure don't have much things to do in real if you had so much time just for this game...
That's quite a feat MicroByte, well done! I was very close to deleting the game after I got all achievements and 3 badges. The news of an update saved it. 1,875 missions in total eh? That's 1,683 more for me. Maybe I'll snap up a couple more badges while waiting for the update.
Thanks everyone, it was a blast to play! It's funny, after making this post, I tried moving on to some other games that I purchased, but hadn't touched yet and felt odd! Playing this game has become almost part of my daily routine that I felt like I was doing something wrong! @littlezoe - Trust me, I have lot's to do in real life with work, family, and all the stuff that comes with being an adult. I just played in my spare time and stayed up a little too late on some nights.
Also chiming in to say wow, MicroByte! I also "only" have 3 badges...still got a long ways to go. lol..