Couple more hours until the birth of Barry Steakfries hits the US... Hey, Halfbrick: F the haters. You're giving us a game for a dollar that's more accessible, easier to play, more addicting, and probably in the end, more satisfying then the mostly underwhelming console titles I'd have to pay 60 bucks for (and who knows what else later for DLCs). Much respect to all the team there. Keep bringing the awesome.
I bet anyone here $3 that JJ is going to be Apple's GotW. On a much more pessimistic note, I've still got 2 hours until I can play this. (and frogger decades)
First off I'd like to say before the game even comes out that I got alot of respect for halfbrick, and that I will no doubtedly be playing this game and insane amount of time. That being said I think ta should calm the jetpack joyride hype a are they being paid for all these articles? Cause not even infinity blade got this much hype.
Obstacles and whatnot are randomly generated each time you play. But you start in the same spot. Each time you play you break through the wall and start jetpacking away. The walls and areas you pass through are different each time. (I think) But you are still inside the lab
I would say this deserves more hype than IB (well.. maybe). Sure infinity blade was ground breaking cus it was the first game on Unreal Engine. But when you look past graphics, the game got old very quick. Just go kill the God King and restart. The new dungeon was nice, but it was still the same thing. Gameplay was perfect for iOS, but there wasn't enough variety or replay value. Unlockables/missions play a large part in making JJ an instabuy
can't wait for the game to hit U.S. store. then again, i might be a teenie weenie picky by saying that some of the walking animation looked only 2 - 3 frames otherwise it would be a very very top notch production IMHO. Loved monster dash and can't wait for this. at 1 buck, this should be the best buck you'll spend on the beginning of a month!
Is it inconceivable to you that we actually like the game? And as far as getting paid for articles, let's just say, if that was the case I wouldn't be drinking Tecate right now that's for sure.
Just completed all the missions! Phew, that was FUN! Can't wait for more missions. Now, time to get all the achievements!
Heh heh! Yeah, both of my sons were/are huge AoZ fans. I showed the game to them one day and they started playing it on their iPods. Next time I remembered asking them about it a couple of days later they said they had already won the game and were going through the endless mode levels. I hadn't even completed the game by then and I'd had the game for at least a month I'm ashamed to say. Looking forward to JJ in just a few minutes.
I'd have to agree somewhat regarding the too much hype this game is getting (from TA at least). But anyway, I'm definitely gonna pick this up later in the day. I loved Monster Dash! This looks like another winner!