the game needs more modes ,maybe zen mode where you have a time limit and only coins (no obstacles at all )
man I wish there were more missions. I just "beat" the game this morning by getting the go 1.750M w/out getting any coins. I got my spiffy badge for completing it and now am starting over. While it's fun to get different badges for "beating" the game again I'd much rather have new missions. I'm sure more will be coming soon but it sucks that I got them all in a day. That being said I do really love the game. Lots of fun.
I like how Halfbrick really pushed to squeeze every bit of extra play out of their main game assets. You get strictly one random level with the same "underground base" look, a few repeatable obstacles, still the missions and purchasable upgrades really give you something to look forward to besides top scores.
2 suggestions: 1. After jumping with the Bad As Hog, it'd be cool if we could do a wheelie by either holding our finger on the screen after the jump or tapping the screen while falling down 2. I'd like the ability to change the medal order in the profile page back and forth between the order you got them in and numerical order.
haha, agreed! I have some suggestions! 1. A fruit themed jetpack(fruit ninja) And a gold jetpack. 2 more clothes! ok, thats it....
But with the magnet it (usually) looks like you're sucking all of the gold into your mouth, so both are cool, but the magnet is useful.
Holy crap... I just got 6 Bonus x3 in one game. I was on an average run...and then i died with 2 spin tokens. First spin was an atom blast, second was a second chance. Finished the game at around 4900 m with 2 tokens again. In the ensuing spins, I wound up with 6 bonus x3 lol... I just kept spinning and spinning. Had like 2 jackpots, 3 bomb blasts... I thought it was a bug until it ended.
Success! The Germaphobe achievement is COMPLETED! A weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Honestly, I played about 3 hours to get it... Although I have a question about it... I was using the Traditional Jetpack... But I SWEAR on the successful run, at one point I had to dive quick to avoid a Zapper, but I lit a scientist on fire... This DOESN'T count as touching one???
totally agree... even just one more mode would be great... not like it needs 4 or 5 extra modes to be made good... it's already an awesome game that I've sunk about 5 hours into (nothing compared to what some people on here have sunk into it, I know... but still...) - actually, adding pretty much anything... more achievements, more clothes, another jetpack... would get me excited... =oD
I think found a TEMPORARY solution to coin loss problems on low end devices. After your done playing start a new run and press the home button during it. when you return you should be paused during the run you home buttoned and should be able to resume without any coin loss. Just a quick note it has to be done EVERYTIME you exit if you don't want to lose coins. I'm going to test it more
Of course not, you only have to avoid contact with them (think about the high-five missions). If you use the machine gun jetpack you'll be killing tons of them, but it won't be a problem. Congrats, BTW
So, on the germaphobe achievement do you have too go 2000m without touching? Cus I could swear I've did it buy not get the achevment