I usually try to stay higher, but Missiles have shortly became my worst enemy... As they usually come at the WORST times. I know the achievements are meaningless... But it sucks just have 39/40 done
Not sure if this has been brought up, but the game seems to offer some kind of Openfeint progress syncing. Found this out somewhat the hard way. I'm playing on my iPod Touch and my son has been playing on the iPad. I had all of the clothes and jetpacks opened. I started the game up and it prompted me that about game sync and asked if I wanted to download or upload my progress (not sure on wording). I chose download not knowing what it was. Long story short, it backward synced and I lost half of my open clothing items. Not sure if anything else was impacted, but just a word of caution to other's on multiple devices.
I finished the game mid-thursday and I was badge #98. So it's definitely not what order you finished the game in.
Not sure if anyone else has pointed this out but why can I not find any fruit ninja references. Like a pack that shoots fruit or a fruit costume? Just thought there'd be a mention.
There is one actually: the achievement tee hee two is a reference to one of FN's achievements. I agree there should be more though, and someone earlier suggested a fruit jetpack
Finished all the missions for a third time P.S I am tied with Muscat for the 6,591th place in Best Distance at 3,543 meters
so the only badges you can get is when you finish the missions? so you have to finish them 125 times to get all the badges?!? omg!
Since I've gotten a handful of great games recently, I'm going to set this one aside until they resolve the coin issue on older devices. I really like the game, but there's not as much joy when you can't save up for upgrades.
so how many badges have you gotten? have you completed all the achievements and bought everything from the stash?
Is anyone else having an issue where coins disappear from your game? I've noticed that if I close the app, then reopen it within 1-5 minutes later, my coins from my previous runs aren't saved. However, if I don't open the app for about 10-15 minutes, my coins are saved. I'm confused by this Besides this problem though, it's a great game!
don't do anything, walk straight into the first obstacle 3 times in the row at the begining of those three levels (don't fly/use jetpack or anything at all )