I'm not much of a fan of endless runners, but this one has me hooked. The mission aspect of the game is key for me. I'm up to level 20 so far. As far as IAP, I do think the counterfeit coin for .99 is a must buy for anyone putting a lot of time into the game.
Does anyone know how to get the 'good work,sierra' achievement it says stare at the main shop screen for 2 minutes but which screen is this? I tried the get coins screen but nothing happened? Thanks.
what are you supposed to do for the "good work woody" achievement? "run into the bottom obstacle 3 times in a row"???????
Start the game and don't move. After you die, do it again. And again. It's the one right after you hit "stash".
another q: what is the significance of the "badge number 31" when you complete all the missions? are there other badges you can get? why is it 31?
They explained this in one of the dev diaries. I believe there are 40 unique badges you can earn, which is where the "2000 hours of gameplay" comes in. I'm sure they'll be updating the game with new objectives to make the badge-earning process slightly different each time. On a different note, I thought that I would run out of store items to buy on one of the repetitions of the "Buy an item from The Stash" objective, but then I remembered the one-time-use utility section of the shop. Halfbrick truly did consider everything when crafting this masterpiece of a game.
addicted. Whoah this game is addicting. If anyone is pondering upon purchasing this specific iOS generic game, stop. get it.
I know this has been said here a lot already - but this game is just so good. It just highlights everything that's good about the AppStore - a game for less than £1 that just oozes charm, fun, addictive gameplay and a seemingly endless amount of progress, with a simple one touch mechanic that works so well on iOS. Well done Halfbrick studios! This may have been covered already, but to save me trawling through 42 pages of posts - can anyone tell me what the highest level is that you can get to in the game - and what happens then? I'm level 14 and I've heard someone mention level 20, and also mention getting medals - what are they?
Once you finish level 15, you "cash in" your rank in exchange for a medal. There are 125 of these medals, all of them unique, but they don't do anything except create a goal for you to have and increase the coolness of your profile in the stash. You keep your level, but your rank is reset back to beginner (you'll be level 16 but with the rank you originally started with) and you get to do all of the missions over again. The devs. said that in future updates they will add different missions so you can have a unique experience every time you start over.
Sigh... I'm giving up on the Germaphobe achievement. I can't get past 1400 meters without being trapped into either: Death, Scientist, Coin, or worst of all those bloody tokens. And I think that's the most annoying facet of this achievement, it's so counterproductive. While going for it you don't gain coins, you can't go (for most, anyway) mission objectives. Alright, I'm done complaining. So far it's the only thing that's really frustrated me with the game... Which, all things considered, is pretty good.
Thanks! So if there's a medal every 15 levels and 125 medals - that makes 1875 levels you'll need to get through to get all the medals - Insane & wonderful! I've just bought the .69p iap that doubles your money after each game. Was quite happy playing without it but I felt the developer deserves a bit more of my money! I reckoned it would also help me build up the coins for some new gear without spoiling the game.
In that case, you could try for the achievement whenever you get the "Collect no coins for 1500 m" mission (I believe those are the terms). It's one of the very last missions, so keep an eye out for it. I forgot to mention that that's what I did when I was giving advice At least that way if you get the achievement it will be beneficial in two ways. If you mess up on getting the achievement but finish the objective, just wait until the next time it comes around so it's not as frustrating. Edit: It's 1750 m, as stated by ktern below me. This makes the achievement that much less extra work
Stick near the ceiling, pretend it's a head-rubbing mission. You'll want to do this one while you're gunning for the 1750M without coins, might as well, right? If you don't have that mission on your list, go for the achievement later. If you stay high up, it's a lot easier than you think, although definitely requires the most legit skill out of the achievements.