Still. $3-$5, ok. $13?! For this?? Cmon now. I'm all for paying premium on iOS but this is a bit silly.
$13 for a simple little add-on is a rip-off. As mentioned above... $3-$5 yes, not $13. Also, HalfBrick makes tonnes of money on advertising revenue, so don't think that they're running on fumes.
The Back To The Future additons are even cheaper now, after going from $105.99 to 3.99. The cost is now $3.99. I actually like the new additions, especially the fact that you don't die instantly if you hit a laser or rocket, but instead lose time. It makes for a longer run =).
Does buying the Back to the Future stuff unlock forever the BTTF game mode with the +/- seconds? I was thinking it only unlocked the BTTF vehicles and background art, for use in the classic game mode--and that the BTTF actual gameplay mode was going to be gone for good. If we're paying to keep the whole mode, I'm in! It's a nice change for variety.
As I understand, it does NOT unlock the game mode. I think variations on that game mode are becoming their crossover mode, since it feels similar to what the Fruit Ninja mode was like a couple months back.
You are correct. I think that you should at least be given the opportunity to have that mini game available if you're paying for it. Same goes for the Fruit Ninja and Bling mini games that they previously had!
Sounds awesome! Never played Flappy Bird, but was hooked on Flapthulhu! I'd check it out but I always wait a few days before accepting any update on games where I've made massive progress/unlocks.
Redownloaded yesterday, game is straight crashing on startup. iPhone 6s+ 9.0.2 jb'n. If you've now barred jailbreakers, oh well, would never lose my jb for a game, ever. Thanks, please clarify bc I've played this plenty on jb'n devices.
Profit Bird special game finishes in 3 hours. Better than The Back To The Future special game. Don't think I'll beat my 36 before it ends.
It was a decent change. 40 was my record. I loved the song that comes on when you first start it up... caught me by total surprise lol. It's a common bug for JJ to crash on startup. If it crashes once, it always steadies after then, so be sure to restart the app if it crashes. I've done it, now it'm on the "Back to the Future" event. I think tomorrow we get the Bling once again then fruit ninja. The rotational event thing is pretty cool.
Ok I'm impressed. 40 is really good. Looking forward to when it comes around again. I see in my profile I've clocked up nearly 8 days of game play which is over 3500 games. Clearly I like this game. Crosby Road is a close second. No Bling yet.
36 is very good mate - I got 40 when I was desperate to see what it was going to unlock I'm on the bling game now so it should be on your one too. In this round of blind, you need to collect gold bars and once you reach a certain amount, you get to unlock rewards like the previous times. It's pretty cool