Ohhhhh unless I remember wrong, the rebuilding time for SAM reduces each time you unlock a SAM's daily challenge reward. That's neat!
I collected a SAM piece while in one of the other vehicles. Has anyone done this when getting the third SAM piece, and do you return to your vehicle when the SAM is destroyed?
Alright, the cloud saves worked great in this game. Was afraid I was going to lose progress but it all came back.
SAM is fun! From the IAP list in iTunes I expected it to be a paid option like the sleigh, but SAM is free! Thanks! (I see that you can pay to get the goodies SAM would earn you--but it's easy to just pick up the SAM tokens.) I also thought from the app description of "tokens" that SAM would appear every time you get 3 Spin Tokens. Thankfully not true: SAM Tokens are different (and they don't reduce the frequency of Spin Tokens either: I've seen a Spin Token and SAM Token together on the screen). The arm control is a neat idea--so many different one-touch control schemes in this game! I like it. Question: I got SAM 5 times and was granted the "Angelic Threads" gift, but it doesn't appear in my clothing list even after a relaunch. Is that normal? Maybe you don't really get the reward until you also earn the matching head?
My SAM day one completion gave me a wizards robe, which I can equip by scrolling to the bottom of the clothing section in the stash
I see--must be a bug. My gift doesn't show up in clothing. Another weird SAM bug: it let me skip a day! After the first gift (which vanished), the next day I picked up the "S" and then died, and it gave me the Day 1 prize right then. Then I played again, got the "A" and "M" and received the Day 2 prize. (I wonder if the extra Day 1 prize was somehow a side effect of the missing Day 5 prize.) Anyway, we'll see what happens in 5 more days!
JJ is becoming a bit like the mafia for me... "Every time I think I'm out... they pull me back in." I have played the CRAP out of this game, more than any well-adjusted, responsible adult should admit, and just when I think it's finally ready to be retired, HB announces the equivalent of a whole new version of the game within the game... Not sure whether to love or loathe HB... nah, I think I love them. DBC
My Tron helmet is at the end of the clothing list, but I presume you have already scrolled down to the bottom? Today I got the Viking getup, aaand it's sort of underwhelming.
Just noticed the discarded ribbon drifting away after a Token Gift. Probably isn't new, but I love those kinds of attention to detail found throughout JJ! Also, since I have my first retina iPad now, I like that the pixels are sharp. The pixels where always non-retina in size (intentionally retro) so it seemed like they ought to be pixel-perfect sharp on my iPad 2. They weren't, but now they are on the Air! Looks great. Blurry pixel art is a pet peeve. Now I'll have to go try other blurry pixel-games and see if retina spruces them up. Yes, I've scrolled. I have tons of stuff (everything ever offered, I think) so scrolling is needed Sounds like the SAM rewards are random, and I'll probably get the one that vanished again sooner or later. The Tron gear sounds fun!
Sleigh of Awesome, Worth it? Is the Sleigh of Awesome really worth it? What do you guys think of it, if you've got it or you don't? Still not sure if I'll buy it or not, five bucks is not really that cheap..
I want to try it, but not for that amount of money. Looks cool though, maybe we can get it for xmas, that would be cool.
I bought it because I love this game so much, and I like having everything possible. It's really not that different from other stuff, other than that you have to pay attention to the reindeer and the sleigh (hitting any part blows it up). I mean, you're not really missing anything if you don't buy it. But, if you're like me and have over 48 hours of gameplay in this simple and awesome game, supporting future updates was worth $5. I do like how it snows when you use it. I hope they make it not Chistmas-y with the next update. Maybe the Carriage of Awesome, or something like that.