I love jetpack joyride! #But with the last two updates they have destroyed my game. #I have already sent two emails to customer service and posted something on your Facebook page trying to get some response, but have received no response whatsoever from HalfBrick. # Here is my info: # I am player number 1206452053 I have lost about $160,000 coins, all of my achievements were wiped out. #I had achieved all except marathon. I lost all of my jetpacks, I think I had the traditional, rainbow, fruit and maybe the steam and laser. #(not sure about those last two.) Lost my clothes, which I really don't care about. #I did lose all of my my vehicle upgrades: all the magnets. And lost all my gadgets. #I had them all. #I had also bought the counterfeit machine and that is gone too. # I have an iPad. #The first one. #I would really appreciate having my stuff restored. #Along with the fact that whenever I try to open Jetpack, it starts to open but then force closes. #My games won't keep coins when I earn them. #I love this game, but it just doesn't work anymore. #Fruit Ninja is messed up too, but I really want jetpack to work again. # Please help and let me know you will try to fix this for me. I have sent this to James, but wanted to post here too, as I have not received any reply about my problems. Want to love you guys but just not getting the replies. Thank you. Sent from my iPad
i uninstalled the game a dozen times, reinstalled it on both my ipad3 (on ios5) and iphone 5, and i still can't get anything to sync. the iphone actually does something, as i get all my jetpacks and other purchases. the ipad however doesn't get anything from icloud. this is really disappointing would be a great feature if it only worked..
Invested tons of time into this game and one day lost everything like the poster above. Absolutely infuriated me. That was over a year ago. Came back to see if the problem is fixed and sure enough it isnt. Im staying away. What a shame loved playing this game so much
Is there any way to restore in-app purchases? I had bought the Counterfeit Machine a while back when it was 0.99$, and I just upgraded my phone.
Don't use iCloud and manually backup your save file regularly. You're just setting yourself up for the situation where you lose your data and regret.
Just buy it again. When the App store is contacted, a message will come back stating you have already purchased it and would you like to download it again.
Ugh, my favorite game and I still can't get it to load on my iPod Touch 5G. Starts to load and the crashes every time. Any ideas on a fix that doesn't lose progress? Too much invested and earned to start over.
ì come back to this game after a while and what a great game. enjoying it so far. But my son play tons of time better than me...grgrgrgr
Was hoping there'd be a new update for the game by now so I could play on my Ipad 3. Still not wanting to delete and reinstall and lose my unlocks/progress. Edit: Now there is a patch, but still crashes for me at 20% into the load screen. I emailed Halfbrick with my crash log so maybe that will help. Wanted to try the new jetpacks, but don't want to lose a year or so of progress. second edit: James from Halbrick emailed me that I'd have to delete, but they could restore everything except achievements and stats. I decided to try backing up the saveDir directory with i-Funbox, then deleting, then copying the directory back, and it worked. I was able to reinstall and not lose any progress.
i thought christmas came early when i saw the update this morning, but unfortunately, icloud still doesn't want to work. the ipad still isn't downloading any data edit: maybe it's my fault.. just noticed i had JJ backups off in the icloud settings. gotta try it again when i'm back home. hope it's going to work edit2: nope, still doesn't work :'(
I just bought the tornado jetpack without looking at the price. Can anyone tell me what it was? I think it was around $50,000.
Well, aren't you just the 1%, buying expensive things without checking the price tags! Yes, it was 50,000 coins.
Decided to try this on my new iPad Mini since I had returned my iPod Touch 5G thinking it would work without the crash issue. It loaded the first time, but now will not load again. Not sure why it worked the first time. Seems that it's not isolated to iPhone5/iPod Touch 5g, but more of a general bug.
No, there is a cow? I got all the jetpacks, so I am goingto go try and find that cow with the tornado.
I just updated recently and for some reason JJ always crashes and exits during the load screen. I was wondering if anyone else has run into this issue or if anyone knows how to fix it. I'm using an iPhone 5 and have the latest versions of both iOS and JJ.
New update ... but what is the plan for updates for the Windows 8 version? Even just filling out its achievement list? I prefer it on the big screen with the mouse now . WTB a toucharcade for the Windows store....