Universal Jetpack Joyride (by Halfbrick)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Aug 31, 2011.

  1. Peanuts

    Peanuts Active Member

    Sep 18, 2012
    Community Coordinator at Halfbrick Studios
    Brisbane, Australia
    You're welcome! Glad we were able to help. Apologies to anyone who hasn't heard back yet. We're doing our best to answer all questions as quickly as possible!
  2. Yeah, I am getting to like the game more and more. The rainbow jetpack is cool, and my favorite is the laser jetpack. The dog is quite cool in the gadgets section. I like being able to choose a costume, and the game is quite fun!
  3. Thrak

    Thrak Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2009
    Any update for iPad 3 and iOS 6? Seems to be the most common scenario of people that can't launch the game at all
  4. JBRUU

    JBRUU Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I'm on iOS 6 iPad 3 and don't have any problems
  5. DeadGuy427

    DeadGuy427 Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
    US Army Infantry
    Lacey, WA
    I still haven't been able to launch the game since I updated to iOS 6...
  6. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    Uninstall and reinstall. Solved the problem perfectly for me.
  7. Inglorion

    Inglorion New Member

    Sep 30, 2012

    Hello (i'm french, sorry for my english)
    If I do this, I will lose my data ? (I'm level 70, have all jetpack, etc...)

    On iPhone, if I lauch game, I'm level 0 ...
    And on iPad, the game crash ... (but on my ipad, the docs and data are 99Mo and the game 23Mo, so, I already have my save ?)

    Thx !
  8. Jazzzed

    Jazzzed Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2009
    Yes... If you delete the app, you will lose all of your data. Do you have icloud enabled though? If so, you should be able to transfer that data to the ipod... Then once it is there, you can delete the app off the ipad, reinstall, and transfer the data back to the ipad from the ipod. You should look into why your icloud isn't working. Thats the key to solving this problem.
  9. Thrak

    Thrak Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2009
    The problem with this solution is that since I've essentially only played on the iPad, and now can't get into the game on the iPad, the iPad data can't get into iCloud in the first place, since this is the first version with iCloud support. I don't want to even launch the game on the iPhone, for fear of loading an empty game into iCloud. This also doesn't help people who only have one device to begin with.
  10. Inglorion

    Inglorion New Member

    Sep 30, 2012
    And this is my case !
    I play only on iPad but before the V1.4 (V 1.3.5) so before icloud synch.
    And because the game crash, I've installed the game (V 1.4.1) on iPhone.
    At this moment, the game is synchronized to iCloud, but with my game "iphone" so level 0 ...

    Any option with i-funbox or itools ?
    Wait for a fix on AppleStore ?
  11. Jazzzed

    Jazzzed Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2009
    If you've already played a game on your iphone and icloud is synchronized with that, then your scores on your ipad are already toast. As soon as you open JJ on the ipad it will sync with the score left by the iphone. Its not about which score is higher, but which one is most recent. Your only hope now is to sync with itunes and create a backup, delete the app from your ipad and then reinstall it, and then do a restore from backup in itunes. That should take care of it. This all assumes that uninstalling and reinstalling Jetpack Joyride will fix your problem though. It worked for one guy, but is that really a fix? Not sure.
  12. If any of you are having problems, go to the halfbrick website and email their support. They are very good about helping you out, and they can tell you the best way to make sure you don't lose your coins, and how to get it working on ios6 if you are having problems. Try it, they are nice and will help you.
  13. gus1

    gus1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2009
    I'll try emailing them. I just updated the game to the latest version on my shiny new iphone 5. Game crashed before the loading screen finished. Tried shutting down and restarting the iphone 5 but no luck! Totally bummed about this!:(
  14. andsoitgoes

    andsoitgoes Well-Known Member

    Uninstall and Reinstall. I had the exact same issue, and doing that on my 5 fixed it.
  15. Menel

    Menel Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2012
    Ive sent 2 emails since the 1.4 update, both with crash log, and no response, and still broken,
  16. murgolicious

    murgolicious Member

    Oct 8, 2012
    hey guys, i got a question about the icloud support. i've been playing JJ like a maniac on my ipad3 and just got my iphone 5 today. after installing it on the iphone, the only things that synced were my stash purchases and my coins. is this normal? i thought the sync would carry over everything including my achievements and stats.

    1st post btw.. hi :)
  17. Scorpion008

    Scorpion008 Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2011
    No idea, but hi!:D
  18. I hardly ever play games for achievements so sorry I got no idea either. But here's another hi!
  19. Drummerboycroy

    Drummerboycroy Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2012

    Don't quote me, but I feel like I read that stats and such don't carry, but I hope I'm wrong...

  20. MicroByte

    MicroByte Well-Known Member

    Just got my iPod Touch 5G last night and tried to play some Jetpack Joyride and it crashes before the loading screens finishes. Seems similar to the iPhone 5 issue.

    This is one game I cannot/will not uninstall given how much time was put into it. :(

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