That's not good...I really feel sorry for those living in Japan right now, it must be really difficult.
I live in Canada and they just said that if it goes total meltdown we will have to avoid contact with rain for 2 weeks. And so much for the 100 mile diet. I'll be buying imported produce for a little while.
Wow, didn't realise it was that serious! Sorry to hear it. Edit: Thankfully the radiation has been contained and the people were evacuated.
Well for one a bit of radiation isn't bad for you, people who live in higher altitudes live long and happy lives even though they recieve way higher levels from the sun each year. Infact there has been research to show that it can be good for you, boosting your immune system. We don't know what damaged was caused, it could just be a build of up steam pressure or anything. The headlines love to jump on the band wagon to hate on Nuclear power, the fact is it's very safe and it's very doubtful that this will be another Chernobyl. Which also has had very little damage on the wildlife, infact it seems to be thriving around there. There also aren't a lot of deaths that can be pin pointed to Chernobyl, apart from the guys who were resposible for cleaning it up.
It seems to be under control. I read that the actual reactor is safe, the explosion just damaged the outside walls. Unlike Chernobyl where a vessel in the reactor burst, causing explosions in the reactor and releasing the radioactive fallout. I think biggest concern right now is the damage caused by the earthquake and tsunami. 1,000 dead and 10,000 missing. And many people without homes, food and clean water.
Chernobyl was a "nuclear power plant" in the same way a 1973 rusted out Ford held together with duct tape with iffy brakes is a "car", technically true but only a fool would try to use it as such. This isn't so bad, all they have to do is hit pause and build a couple of solar plants in it's place before people start to notice. It's a good thing Japan operates on the same rules as Simcity otherwise this could have been a serious problem.
Looks like it's no big deal.
Just saw on TV that the journalists, which were there at the time of the explosion, all said that the meltdown happened - and already happened a short time before the explosion. The explosion might even not be directly connected to the meltdown. They guess that Japan doesn't want people to panic so they lied or kept silence about the things that were really happening.
Well japan is a country well prepared for natural disasters and are handling the situation very well so thats good. And the reactor is safe it was only an outside explosion. A report said that iodine isotope escaping isnt bad as its half life is only 8 days. But there is another isotope that is 30 years. Thats the one they are worried about. And also I agree with Spamcam. Chernobyl was not a proper nuclear plant. But unfortunately people dont realise that. They are very safe ways of getting energy rather than burning loads of stuff. But people think if one is built it is garuanteed to explode.
Nonsense... It's more the fact that you have to be really "brave" to build nuclear power plants at places where earthquakes and tsunamis are very likely.
My brother told me there going to pump sea water into the core in a attempt to cool it down since the cooling process isn't working correctly. lets hope everything goes alright for japan... and on another thought nintendo and gamefreak headquarters didn't get hit that bad either! As for the tsunami I think its the disaster of the year replacing the haiti earthquake
If disasters like all this have to happen, I'd rather it be a developed country like Japan over some already struggling country like Haiti.
Well I live in Ireland so I have no experience in natural disasters. And Im not talking specifically Japan. I mean anywhere. Ireland cant get any because of chernobyl. And we are scared of sellafield even though france has loads and wed be screwed anyway.