...and finally I can show the character that didn't make the cut in the last update, "Jack Frost". Coming in the 4.0 update https://vine.co/v/etiEe6L067b
It's 1 year since Jack B. Nimble launched on the app store! I'm doing a little giveaway to celebrate: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?p=3692734 Also, I have some news regarding the next update; all 8 characters are now complete! Next up I'm focussing my efforts on a new level, "Green Grove". GIF soon
I hope everyone who got a code during the giveaway has enjoyed the game! The new theme selection screen:
I feel awful that I've not quite got the latest update out but I promise I am still working on it. Barry wrote a piece on his process when composing for the game: http://cutscenemedia.com/projects/composing-for-games-jack-b-nimble-pt-1/ I also just wanted to take the opportunity to thank the toucharcade community for the support and extra push Jack B Nimble had this time last year - the game sold so much more over Halloween than it did at launch, largely I feel is thanks to this community. I've yet to write a real postmortem but plan to following the next release.
The update is still coming... New intro... New level (wip)... I should have a video to post sometime this week too
I've started doing devlogs to show the progress so far... Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel and Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
Ridiculous, but I've been struggling to have my place to myself so I've been unable to record. Here's a WIP shot of the last level: https://twitter.com/JackBNimbleGame/status/703732088030294016 ...and have a bonus super smooth GIF: https://gfycat.com/ExemplaryGracefulCockatiel
A little news regarding the upcoming update. I've made the difficult decision to cease support for the iPhone 4 - the upcoming update will require iOS 8 as a minimum. I am still considering my options regarding the iPhone 4S, but for now it will still be supported - there are just some considerations to make regarding the resolution/screen dimensions of that device as well as performance on that hardware. Sorry for those of you that have enjoyed Jack B. Nimble on older devices, but at least the current version of the game won't be going anywhere Oh and here's a gif from today (it's showing some menu integration for the PC version).
Hey guys, the update is almost complete! Just bug fixing and balancing to do. Hopefully you're all still interested by the time I finish this Here's a new devlog: Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel I've also started streaming the development of the game on my twitch channel - if you're interested or want to give me some live feedback, stop by http://www.twitch.tv/sean_noonan/ Thanks guys, promise it won't be too much longer!