I have to agree - still on 7 myself. In fact, I believe only 47% of iOS owners have upgraded to 8 - I saw an article on that somewhere! Sorry, can't find it right now! :O As to the game itself, the Halloween update looks ace. I find I'm playing this in really short 5 minute bursts, and it always makes me smile! QS =D
Thank you Sean for listening to the feedback. And we all love a developer who's active in their thread. Because of that, great impressions from fellow TAers, and Mister Sheepy here, I'm excitedly heading to the App Store right now to try your game
Keep us updated. As soon as I get word that iOS 8 minimum won't be coming soon, I will hit buy. I can't wait to play this.
Wait...so, I'm confused. I thought Sean said this would work with iOS 7 when the update comes out. Are you just waiting for a definite yes or no, Lazer?
Very nice for only 20 min it seems like after a certain point the score gets exponentially higher and starts going crazy in the 600-800k range
Well he said he will try to make GC work without an iOS 8 minimum requirement. I will download as soon as I download iOS 8, or hear it won't require it...whichever comes first.
Thanks for the continued interest, everyone! I'm working on the October content update still - trying to get all of the art tasks out of the way before digging deeper into the Game Center / sub-iOS8 stuff. I'm pretty sure it's going to be fine, but if it's a deal breaker for you, I won't be too long getting you a definite answer I should have some more screenshots/gifs to show tomorrow, oh and I have confirmation that there's another music track to go along with the new level. More soon!
I couldn't help myself. I'm a big runner fan, but unfortunately this genre has been so watered down the past couple of years. I try my best to support all of the premium ones that get praise here. This is a very good game, but I am not quiet as big of a fan as everyone else seems to be. It is a very solid runner with great mechanics. One of my personal issues I have is with the candle whipping. I would prefer a separate whip button and the ability to whip while jumping. Also, my biggest concern has came to fruition: I just don't see myself playing it too much without GC or levels. Luckily this is being addressed now. That^ Halloween .gif with the level select menu, which Mr. Sean Noonan was kind enough to post, gives me high hope for Jack B. Nimble's future. It looks awesome. At it's core, this is a very solid game. It just doesn't have what I personally need to keep me coming back...yet. Luckily the Dev seems dedicated, and I can easily see this being one of my favorites in the future. Thanks Sean, for being another awesome indie Dev who loves his game enough to listen. EDIT: Apple features a handful of games with Halloween updates every year. Good luck, and I hope you get added into that list. One thing you could do to help your chances of getting the Halloween feature is make sure you update the icon with a new Halloween theme as well.
Here's the latest on the new menu flow: (click for big) For Screenshot Saturday! I'll be flying to the UK this week so I'll be updating less frequently - will still be working on it every night though. Want to make you happy to have spent those 2 dollars I'm adding in a little surprise for the Halloween level... think I'll code it on the flight over ;D
You don't have to do ANYTHING (well, other than GC support realistically ) to make me happy I spent 2 bucks on this awesome little game. I already got my couple of bucks worth in the first 5 minutes. Thank you for every little bit of extra work you're putting into the game...those gifs are mind-blowingly awesome,
Thanks Sean, for all the work. Something to consider for an update... I don't think forcing the player to experience the tutorial every run is necessary. If there's a way to make it only available the first play, and then from the menu, I think the players would prefer it. Of course that's just me...so I could be wrong.
Working on it next week Well that's great. I still plan to support it with more content, at least until the end of the year. The plan is to keep adding layers of challenge to each new piece of content in the updates ;D In the next update after death you will have the option to run straight away or go back to the map screen
I'll consider buying this when it is closer to complete. I see its well on its way to being worth my two bucks and more importantly my limited game time. Without GC I'm not sure I'd play this that much because often after the fact GC implementations don't upload old scores unless there's and option to resynch. Also without additional content or something to unlock it doesn't seem like something Id play without the GC stuff. I do like the look of the game (I'm a huge fan of Castlevania)... Just this feels like a step back from Air Supply 1bit Run... Though with what seems to be coming it could be a good complement to that game. Oh and please consider making the endless mode automatically change backgrounds after some distance length and lock the starting scenery to having been to those areas before. So it could be sort of like a traditional platformer with levels but the levels end up eventually wrapping around. Maybe throw in an achievement for running the complete world in one game or something. Also I'm all for a two button approach to jumping and whipping. Maybe do like other games and just make the entire left side for jumping and the right for whipping... And give options to flip that as well. Unless that breaks the game and makes it too easy or something.
Even without GC and levels, it was well worth my $2. It really is a great game. Once I figured out an important lesson, which I won't give away, my high score and the games fun factor immediately tripled.
Yeah, I've just played so many runners its hard to throw money down on a game that's less complex than those I'm used to. Like Panic Springs for example. Similar kind of side scrolling runner with jumping and attacking and it tracks distance and overall score for separate leaderboards. The theme even changes after some distance. It's easily better than this and more feature filled without IAP or ads or other nonsense and at half the price with working GC leaderboards. I definitely could see myself buying this... Just not till it offers more than it does. Which on that note, I added it to my watch list.
So you're confident Panic Springs is "better than this", but you haven't played this yet. I've played both. Personally, I think this is much, Much better. Complexity doesn't always equal quality. Boson X and Cannabalt are two of the best runners ever made. Neither are "complex", compared to the modern runner with hundreds of level ups, costumes, paths, etc. still...I'd much rather have a simple runner that is done right.
I haven't spent a whole lot of time with this game, but my high score right now is 307,508. I'm curious how far behind I am from the other players here in the thread.