Just so you know guys, the update is now in beta! Expect release details soon Also thanks for the YouTube subs!
Still working on getting something out in the next couple of weeks... (please ignore the mouse cursor, I was running on PC)
Jill's sprite has been bothering me for a while... Fixed it: I promise I'm still working on finishing the game
I know, Jack B. Nimble is not out. I'm working on it! So just a quick update for now... There have been multiple reasons for the delays, but mostly because I want to do this right. There's no such thing as a perfect game. You could work on a game forever and never be satisfied - I am aware of this - I just want to get as close as I can to achieving a polished product. You know, something I can be proud of. As I've stated in the past, I don't expect great riches from this project. I have shipped many games over the years with varying levels of contribution. But this game (with the exception of music) is entirely built by me. My intentions are of vanity. I want to be able to look back at this game with pride and to define what a Noonan.Design game is. Before I go, I should mention that I got back on the Twitch horse and have been streaming Jack B. Nimble development on my Twitch channel with videos archived on my YouTube channel. ...more soon!
...almost done. Here's my latest stream. I'll have a devlog post ready in a day or two. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
For the last couple of years, I’ve been rocking an iPhone 5, which while being rather dated, has allowed me to maintain Jack B. Nimble’s compatibility on older hardware. However, with the game coming to a close, I have a solid performance benchmark to work to, and things aren’t likely to change much from here on out. So this month I finally caved and upgraded to an iPhone 7. This hasn’t changed any development as such, but rather renewed my confidence in the game’s performance, especially where Game Center overlays are concerned (a real problem area for my old iPhone 5). Now for those that watch my streams, you’ll be aware that I’ve been working with an artist on promotional material. A bunch of assets have been created and will go towards building a new website for the game. I’ll just leave the logo here for now. Perhaps I’ll reveal the latest box art in the next few days. The build is currently being tested by a couple of my friends, but I’d love to get some of the folks from here to try it out. Just drop a reply if you want to be on the Testflight for 4.0. I’m aware that I missed the 2 year anniversary of Jack B. Nimble’s original launch. I’m also aware that I missed the 2 year anniversary of Jack B. Nimble’s Halloween update. Based on my original launch timeline, that only leaves the Christmas update, which matches up quite well with where I am in development now… Originally posted here: http://noonan.design/update/end-of-month-update-october/
i saw that, big thanks to you, Sean. so far so good. but i think that FPS is just too slow. 30-40 it's not enough and the game feels laggy. i'm on iPhone 5.
Hmmm, if you're on anything less than an iPhone 6, you may need to disable weather from the menu. It's been getting slower on iPhone 5's every time Apple release a new iOS. I recently upgraded for this reason
I’m still trying to find a good time to release the game. I don’t want to release the game without any supporting marketing material, and I’m still hard at work on the website. It’s coming along, but I do loathe web development – even in an age where you just need to manipulate templates, it takes a long time to get things right. …but as promised, here’s the box art for Jack B. Nimble – it’s in a handy 1920×1080 size, perfect for desktop wallpapers! The artwork was created by Shenaniganza – you can find more of his work on Tumblr and support him on Patreon. I also finally started to gather footage for the launch trailer. I’ll be talking a little more about this in the coming weeks and I’ll be streaming mid-late January pop by if you’d like to ask any questions and see the game being played – I’ll likely be giving out some codes too.
So as it turns out I was sick for most of January so wasn't able to get much work done. I'll have a larger update in the next day or two, but for now here's some footage of today's improvements (mostly regarding performance): https://twitter.com/SeanNoonan/status/825523827610382338
It's a sad day... I had to update the year: https://twitter.com/JackBNimbleGame/status/828331887563268096/video/1