Is 'with Friends' term copyrighted?

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by BravadoWaffle, Nov 3, 2011.

  1. BravadoWaffle

    BravadoWaffle Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    Game Designer
    Does anybody know if it's ok to add the term 'with Friends' to the end of your game if you plan on releasing an online turn-based multiplayer game on the app store?

    I can't see it trademarked anywhere or copyrighted anywhere.. but I may be overlooking something.
  2. spacecowgoesmoo

    spacecowgoesmoo Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2008
    Composer / Level Designer @ Bovinedragon Software
    Los Angeles, USA
    I don't know if it's copyrighted, but it's definitely a well known IP and you'd be (rightfully) seen as stealing it.
  3. awp69

    awp69 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Greenville, SC
    Yeah, I don't think I'd take a chance on that one. With all of the lawsuits/threats of lawsuits even over things as simple as the word "Doodle" (although I think Lima Sky dropped that one because not only were they not the first to use it, but they were way too late in the game to fight it), it's probably best to steer clear of really well-known titles.
  4. binaryhelix

    binaryhelix Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2011
    You can't copyright a title. Google "copyright title" to see.

    What you want to search for is a trademark. Zynga does have a trademark for "With Friends" (search for that using quotes in the trademark area), but the description for it reads:

    Description of Mark: Color is not claimed as a feature of the mark. The mark consists of the word "with" over the word "friends" in a thought bubble; the term "friends" has a shaded wave running through it.

    My guess is they would have a hard time getting just a plain word mark of "with friends" due to it being so generic and descriptive of online gameplay. So they had to go with a logo that included those words. See a discussion here:

    The fact of the matter is, the USPTO has allowed other games that have the "with friends" wording, so according to the USPTO, Zynga does not have an exclusive right to that mark. You just better be careful not to copy their thought bubble design. And of course, Zynga could file suit and make life hard for you, so you might want to consider having deep pockets.

    Personally, if I were to consider having an app named "{something} with friends", I'd be sure to secure a trademark on it like Brian Fargo did:

    This way, if Zynga tries to have Apple remove it based on their weak "with friends" design trademark, you can show Apple the shiny plain word trademark registration that the USPTO gave you.

    I'm no lawyer, so be sure to get competent legal advice, etc.
  5. mr.Ugly

    mr.Ugly Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2009
    Berlin, Germany

    maybe i need my glasses cleaned but

    the UPSTO did NOT! granted a word trademark yet to either zynga or fargos

    trademarks submissions... thats all there is to them at the moment.. just applications..

    no one owns the trademarks to "with friends" yet..

    Zyngas application is currently in limbo due to a previously applicated trademark (but also not yet approved) "war with friends" by Z2Live


    so there are several parties who want to have a trademark surrounding "with friends" but no one got one yet.. contrary to binaryhelix writing..


    @Bravado: Do you really need to ask? Be creative find another title thats not used prominently by a big company you never be able to fight and that still fits your game.

    in the end law is not about being right but about getting rights.. and nowerday thats heavily based on the size of your bank account.
  6. Red1

    Red1 Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Nov 26, 2010
    Too many developers are trying to leverage off the success of more successful titles. It's like opening a burger join and calling it: "McDonnys"

    You should avoid any possible backlash from the gaming community and come up with someone new.
  7. BravadoWaffle

    BravadoWaffle Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    Game Designer
    Thanks guys! Yes, I saw the trademark was submitted, however it seems to be hotly contested. In the end, you're right, it's probably not worth messing around with.

    Pals, buddies, amigos, homies... so many other choices out there...
  8. binaryhelix

    binaryhelix Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2011
    You're right. I stand corrected. I assumed their "live" status meant it was granted, but you have to dig deeper. The latest status of their filing is:

    2011-10-13 - Notification Of Letter Of Suspension E-Mailed


    An excerpt from that letter of suspension:

    "The web page specimen is not acceptable to show trademark use as a display associated with the goods because it fails to include the necessary ordering information or a weblink for ordering the goods and thus, appears to be mere advertising material."

    Sounds like the USPTO wants an actual product called "With Friends" with a way to buy it at least. Since they don't make a game specifically called "with friends", it would appear that Zynga has a tough road ahead to get the trademark.

    I think this opens the door for people to trademark a specific "{game} with friends" mark. We'll see if Brian Fargo's attempt to trademark some games this way succeeds.
  9. spacecowgoesmoo

    spacecowgoesmoo Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2008
    Composer / Level Designer @ Bovinedragon Software
    Los Angeles, USA
    Guys. It doesn't matter if you can legally get away with it or not. Using someone else's IP without permission is stealing, and you should be spending your time coming up with an original title instead of digging through copyright law.
  10. Although I would hardly call putting 2 very common words side by side as intellectual property, I do agree that you should avoid the situation altogether. They've already put the wheels in motion to copyright it. It's not even that catchy, you can think of something at least as good.
  11. Sinecure Industries

    Sinecure Industries Well-Known Member

    Have you considered "con amigos"?

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