My contract expires in October... so if I get it in June I pay full price - $75 and if I wait until October I pay full price - $150... 4 months wait to save $75... augh. What are they thinking is going to be the price? I have a killer plan so I'm not planning on switching. And the iDevices have such a battery problem that I've been thinking it over lately and I want my gaming to be on a separate machine. But I'm waiting for a good web phone, and it seems it's here! (or at least it will be here in June).
Palm Pre will be on Sprint but no pricing has been announced yet. Personally, I have Verizon and have an iPod Touch. The battery life for the iPhone is pretty abysmal compared to other phones, and AT&T is mediocre in my area so no go on the iPhone.
I'm with Sprint now. I pay $30 a month for 500 mins, free Internet, free texting, free nights and weekends, and nights start at 7p and end at 7a. A comparable plan for the iPhone (200 texts which is what I use a month more or less) is $75. Sprint has crappy phones (The HTC Touch is cool but starts at $580 without contract). I have a Palm Centro now. So I'm salivating at the PRE. I have that plan for as long as I pay for it (not available anymore) so I don't want to leave it. When my plan "expires" in October I get $150 discount on the full price of any phone ($75 now since I passed the one-year mark). BTW I'm sure PRE sites will pop up I really want this phone NOW! Never been as excited about a phone in my life. Finally I can have a great plan and a killer phone. And maybe their app store will take off also. AND you can use any Palm programs on it! (I think, since it's a Palm). Win-win! Anyone think they'll get the digital camera working as a webcam like Cycorder does for the iPhone?
Ironically the original discussion was about the Palm Pre. Palm was one of the major smartphones that was heads above most other phones at that time and imo helped pioneer the way for devices such as what we have today. And stumble they did (for long years) and now trying to revive life into their phone line with the Palm Pre as the flagship phone. I'm a former Palm Treo user and have been quietly rooting for them to become re-established once again in the market. Not that I'd buy one. One reason is because their carrier doesn't have good reception in my area and of course a lot of other phones have become available since Palms heyday. But was my first smartphone so partial to the brand.
Besides itunes and the customer base, improving on Apples OS on the iphone will be another challenge for any newcomer