53 updates since i last updated last night...so yeah looks like the clog in the drain passed right through Maybe Apple hired more testers will all the apps have to be OSX 3.1 tested in a month or so?
It says I have 10 updates through my iTouch, but I'll have none waiting for me when I go to the Updates tab. :S
Just got two more on my itunes. 9 total. BigAlbie- that's a lot of games. I have a page in a half of games I wonder how much they pay the testers?
Give it some time to propogate the servers. I had 35 listed on my iPod this morning, and nothing actually showed up until later.
I believe that entitles you to a high-five. *high five* I could imagine updating all of those could be somewhat tiresome, however.
I'd have a lot more games, but if they're not on my iPod I delete them off iTunes as well. So far I've only had 12 updates. ONLY. That would normally be a lot, but not compared to some of you.
It's actually not that much. The funny thing is that while you would think reviewing and playing iTunes games would take a lot of time out of my day, it really doesn't. I spend about 10 hours a week on this stuff so updates just fall into that.
It's incredible that you're so efficient, then! Though, the majority of the time I spend gaming on my iPhone and on these forums is at work. I'm also still having issues connecting with the appstore. I usually like to read about each update/do them separately rather than mash the "update all" button - but I may have to resort to that. This is getting obnoxious. I'm getting 2-3 minute loading screens on a solid, quick wifi that I've always used, than end up resulting in a "cannot connect to appstore" screen. When I'm off the wifi, my phone is sitting on full 3G, then when I get into the appstore, and onto a load screen, it drops to edge, then "searching" EACH time. Then I bail back to my homescreen, and I'm back to full 3G in seconds. What on earth is going on here?
I was thinking the same thing. I opened the app store app and was amazed at my 12 updates. Went to iTunes not believing I actually had 12 to update (I check all the time) and iTunes gives me 39 updates I've never had that many at once ever. I have almost 700 apps in my iTunes though, so the chances of getting an update were pretty good lol.
I'm spending more time than I expected today on updates. Another 5 updates just showed up, and they're taking a while to d/l. Sometimes it just easier to d/l everything and then sort everything out afterwards.
The updates themselves finally showed up... It just sucks that [when you're using Categories] the apps move out of the folders.
I'm getting so flooded I have no idea what half the updates do nor, for that matter, can I even recall all of my apps that got surprise updates so I'm sure for the next several days I'll be wondering, "Wait, is this new or was this always in the game?"
I've had like 40 updates in last 2 days...Quicker updating on computer than on device...Seems 2 take longer since 3.0.
iTunes definitely just exploded with a huge amount of updates! I got 37 about an hour ago and then 9 half an hour ago and then another 9 a minute ago that's 55 updates! I do have 630 apps in my iTunes library though, but that is the most updates I've had in ages.