EDNG is awesome. He would insult me but it was funny and true. Spam has gone at a all time high since he left. Best thing that happened to TA and the worst thing was when he was banned.
I only dream I could be EDNG, and I've been banned, arms seen my IP, don't you think he would have noticed. Don't ever say I'm EDNG, he is so much better.
I can 100% guarantee that iBTF is not EDNG. Why, because I asked EDNG. And iBTF has nowhere near EDNG's greatness. Also, EDNG only created one other account. Which was disabled. He lurks now. So, I can guarantee that anyone claiming to be EDNG is not.
people what is up with everydaynormalguy you act like hes a freaking god like hes the greatest person ever, its really kind of weird how you praise one man on a forum, i dont get it he wasn't great he was just another person who liked the iphone/ipod...give it a rest he is just like everyone of us except he spammed like crazy....
That's his thing. His account is disabled. He couldn't post if he wanted to. I don't have an obsession, EDNG made the forums 10x better, and we need him back. TA legend. Maybe he is my brother. You never know. Don't talk crap when you don't have a clue.
can i ask why he made the forum 10x better, why is he a legend what exactly did he do that was so great....oh thats rite nothing
What he did isn't spam. But I'll say this and leave. How is a completely relevant post, which is completely funny and sarcastic, spam?
Hey hey hey hold on brew. No need to start barking at us. Don't you know what R.I.P and perma-ban means? Don't come barking at us if some of us don't want him back. It's not up to us anyways whether he's back or not.
Well alot of his posts were "Haha newbie. This is a stupid thread". That's spam. Not most were funny and sarcastic. And even if they were what's the fun in "funny and sarcastic" posts making fun of / offending other people? One little thing and that user was marked.
ok you know what im sorry i got a little out of hand on here, im just gonna mature a little bit. my bad im just gonna calm down and say one more thing....everyone is entitled to they're opinions and mine is that i simply dont like the guy and i know there is others and most likey there are more people that love him than hate him....so i geuse im in the minority here....once again sorry i didnt mean to offend anyone with what i said (which i probably did)
Although, with a lot of things you posted here, I don't agree with, I do agree with this. Alot of posters on Toucharcade take things that people post that are sarcastic and meant to take a jab at a poster that needs to be put in their place, and decide that they need to show everyone how high and mighty they are by telling them that what they posted was wrong, when really, it wasn't.
He was great from what I read back when I lurked. Almost always made me laugh. Great guy he is. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong. Case closed.
Nah, I won't salute him ever if he was a jerk that he sounds like. I can't judge him but let me tell you this..I have been on this earth for 42 years and I have seen many people who some call "sarcastic" who in reality are darn right cruel. Some either find the person funny or annoying and stupid. Perhaps something in between. The more I hear about him, the more glad I am that I never knew him.
Make a Poll Instead of going at with each other why not create a poll and let the graph speak for itself?
....wow that was...... yeah wow I wouldn't mind if he was back or not but thats a little much. Don't get any on your chin bro.
Ok, I understand that some of you don't like EDNG. That is perhaps for good reason, perhaps not. But either way you don't like EDNG. I agree to add a poll. EDNG was an integral part of TA. That much you can't argue with. Whatever. I don't want to hear it. It's my opinion, which I am entitled to. TA was a better place with EDNG here.