He may be a troll for the most part but he actually says some valid points than any recent user i've seen in the past. Just a question.
Well he got timed-out, he used proxy and stuff to be ruder than usual and then that's when he got banned. I don't really miss him. And I DON'T want him back. He just came to make fun of peoples mistake and newcomers. And he always said that the mods / arn / blake would not ban him. So I'm glad they did. Sorry guys but that's how I feel. Also he's perma-banned. Keyword = perma
i honestly dont care if he comes back or not i never knew him or talked to him he left before i joined i think
It's kinda weird because, he was banned when I first got here and I have heard mixed things. Some people were like "Oh he wasn't a bad guy at all, he made me laugh" Others like you said, he was mean spirited. If in fact he WAS mean spirited and made fun of people's mistakes plus newcomers, then I also don't want to see a bully coming back. People should respect the rules. I know of a few in this forum that post in the same vein thinking they will not get banned but they just might if they continue. Edit: oooh I just realized I'm at post # 1111! Hope that is a good omen
You're not funny. Nobody makes fun of the EDNG. Nobody. I personally think that EDNG was one of the few people that are blessed with the trait of awesomeness. He was awesome. That's all I'll say. Let him be remebered forever!!!
I miss EDNG. He made fun of me I believe. It was the kind of humor that drove me to keep coming to this site.
I dodnt realy care for EDNG I wasnt a friend of his or even talk to him a whole lot... If this post if offencise to anyone just tell me please, I;m just giving my 2 cents
Only offended by your spelling and lack there of. JK He's not to be taken seriously and some people did which ultimately lead to his demise on TA
EDNG was great. Don't mess with EDNG. If you have a problem, talk to me about it. See the sig. I can tell you how he got banned, and it has little to do with Danny's version.
some of you people are acting like hes a god....give it up he was a joke he made fun of everyone, he acted as though he was better than everyone....yes i will admit some of the things he said were funny but you cant just go around giving crap to the noobies and even people who are seniors... [EDIT] even tho he is banned whats stopping him from just creating a new account and starting all over, is his ip adress banned or something....
Don't mess with EDNG. I'll have him contact you. He was the best thing that ever happened to TA. He was hilarious, and the forum troll. He only made fun of people who deserved it. Anyone who doesn't want EDNG back obviously doesn't know, or has been insulted, took a look at it, and realized that what he said was true. He made a new account, which you would know about if he wanted you to.
he never said anything to me, i just saw what he said to people... he always criticized, i personally don't care care if he made a new account good for him now that hes shaped up and is not spamming i cant tell who he is....and it seems as though you have a little obsession with edng you talk about and defend him like hes your brother...
When EDNG was here I simply lurked the forums and now realize how much he added to them. While he could be mean, he made laugh at least once a day. i think he adds a lot and it's a shame he's not here anymore.
Feel free. The email's on my profile. I don't mind talking to him. You and me both know EDNG is just annoying to me; I'm not scared of him or anything. He made fun and insulted people, even some who did not deserve it. And he was not hilarious much. I saw an EDG account, I've seen a few accounts I think it's him. Do I care? No. He's prob IBITF and I don't care. As long as he's shaped up.
im not disagreeing with you i laughed at some of the stuff he said to but then there's other things he said that he shouldnt have... and danny i was thinking it was ibitf as well they both act a little bit the same...