This is a touchy subject, so please delete this thread if it's against the rules (In the past I've seen threads like this, especially a long time ago). Now please don't judge me, but I feel this is a friendly community. Is it normal to feel this way in your mid-late teenage years? I've felt this way for a while now, and I'm not sure if I should contact someone. I haven't been able to shake it off my mind, and it's getting rather tiresome. Any help?
People go through all kinds of confusing stuff in their teens. I'd say that logically, your specific feelings aren't exactly "normal", but I'd also say there's nothing particularly wrong with not being normal anyway, so it's irrelevant. Either way, that period in your life is all about changing and maturing and it seems to give off a load of random signals that don't always stick around forever. So I'd recommend holding out a while longer before making any major changes to your lifestyle. If I'd gone ahead with every random whim I got as a teenager I'd probably have quite a few regrets by now.
What? No, this doesn't happen to everyone. Not at all. You should talk to your doctor or a therapist or something. And figure this out. It definitely isn't normal.
You might be transgender and it is normal. Why not get in touch with the local community; there are surely support programs in your area. Yes there are:
Definitely try to see a doctor while your still in your teens, if you do decide on gender reassignment surgery then it's best to start the medication as young as possible, before too many growth spurts and facial hair and testosterone levels skyrocket etc. If you start medication easily it'll stop that so you'll be more feminine if you decide to have a sex change. If you've been feeling that way your entire life, then surgery may be the only way to fix that, but if it's only been a few years, then it could just be a phase. The doctor will ask you questions to determine if it's a phase or not, and if the benefit of surgery would outweigh the negatives, mentally you might be better, but it's a big choice...years of medications beforehand, you can't just jump into it. Sometimes if younger attracted to the same sex, it means even moreso that your mind mentally thinks your in the wrong body, but if your straight it could be a teenage phase "ie I wonder what boobies feel like..I wish I had boobies I'd touch them all day" kinda thing.. Hmm alot to think about. I'd go to a doctor if I were you to help gain a perpective of it all and to decide if you genuinely feel you are ...almost disgusting and disfigured because you feel like your in the wrong body. Often those feelings will start young, and kids will dress up as the opposite sex and wear makeup and dresses, or girls will wear Boys clothes and play with trucks Have you had any of these warning signs? Have you had the desire to dress as a woman?
Normal =/= something that happens to everyone, but something that happens enough to be an aspect of life in general. Feelings like the topic creator is having aren't "strange", although they may not be felt by others, because they happen often enough to a number of people in life. Terms like "not normal" simply serve to confuse folk, and make them think there's something "wrong", and may fill them with fear and, sadly enough, self hatred. There's nothing "wrong" with the feelings TC is having, but you are correct that talking about them with a doctor or professional might be for the best. And that advice isn't about "fixing" the "problem", as again, there is no "problem" that needs "fixing", but, rather, coming to understand the nature of these feelings, why they exist, and how to accept them as simply a part of the process in this individual's life. I would say, topic creator, as you are so young that you should understand that, yes, hormones and youth may cause you to make rash decisions, so slowing down and taking time to think things through would be the best course of action for now. You have time to figure things out. Talk about these feelings with people who have experience in such matters, whether they be health professionals or folks who have gone through the same thing, or both. You are still absolutely "normal" (whatever that really means); you're just going through changes that may be a blip on the radar in your life, or something more. Either way, you'll be fine as long as you don't rush into anything, especially judgement of your feelings.
Could this help? I would probably see a doctor just to make sure it isn't anything like neural malfunction.
I guess it is completely normal during your teen age, I feel it too. You just feel the need to be the opposite gender for one day and "experiment". Once you experiment, you would feel fufilled. It's quite unusual I must say, but its all just has to do with being in puberty age and your hormones.
Midian's advice is good. I agree that you should hold on a little longer before making any major changes. Teenage years are often pretty crazy and it can take a while for the dust to settle. And your feelings aren't exactly common, but it's not at all wrong or something to be ashamed about.