Universal Iron Marines (By Ironhide)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Sep 13, 2017.

  1. xtrgrvyplz

    xtrgrvyplz Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2012
    #141 xtrgrvyplz, Sep 15, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2017
    Level 4 and youre having a problem? Im not gonna say that youre doing it wrong maybe there are stuff you need to explore

    Another tip i can give is, not all the time you stick with what units you have and that was one of the best feature of the game cuz you can easily switch your units depending on whats going to attack, lets say if you think youre gonna be swarmed then turn those snipers into machinegunners but if you think theres gonna be a slow single heavy duty enemy then better stay at being sniper,

    An upgraded drop turret can instanly kills a swarm of lesser enemies making your troops focus on the surviving and stronger enemy units

    You also need to adjust their position from time to time and take advantage of their ranges take note that other units have longer range but a small vision so you need to position either a hero or any unit a bit forward so they can see it and use their range

    And maybe as you said you got so used to playing KR so maybe that made you complacent because all you have to do is just defend and wait for a wave while in this game you need to be proactive and have the initiative to attack at your own pace unless the level is time constraint like level 7
  2. dawsonsmythe

    dawsonsmythe New Member

    Sep 12, 2016
    Also struggling with level 4. Seems like you have to split your forces in 3 to defend each lane and 1/3 isnt enough to survive waves and also expand them out. Getting frustrated. I accept my tactics need improving but i dont know how
  3. GiHubb

    GiHubb Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Apr 27, 2010
    #143 GiHubb, Sep 15, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2017
    I've finished the first world and very happy with this purchase. I don't feel any push towards F2P so far. I've been playing with Kara and the final 2 levels were really challenging and fun.
    I'm playing on Normal difficulty.

    I don't get all the people who complain about being stuck on level 4 - you're obviously missing something. My guess is that it could either be not using the turret, or not exploring and finding a +1 soldier and claiming it (so you can produce more soldiers). Also note double clicking to select an area and move a bunch of soldiers together. The premium heroes are not necessary and the credits are only used for powerups which are actually cheats. So I see no F2P push at all. It really comes down to your tactics.

    I really enjoyed level 7 where I changed my strategy completely in order to defeat the mini boss - very satisfying!

    EDIT: just had a thought: To all stuck on level 4, are you sure it's a campaign mission you are trying out a spec ops mission? If it's the latter, you have to only attempt it when you have upgraded your units a bit. Stick to campaign/story missions initially.

    EDIT 2: Would really like to see an enemy encyclopedia of sorts added to the main menu, similar to what they had in Kingdom Rush. It's handy as a refresher of all the different enemy types.
  4. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    I beat level 4 on veteran and sure it's difficult but much easier once you start gaining control of the map. I usually fully upgrade the bases while defending them, then venture out while leaving 1 or 2 squads guarding the base. If things get too heavy while I'm away I drop a turret, pull my men further back to prevent deaths, or last resort I teleport my hero and drop them over. This is also on veteran so it should be a lot simpler on easy mode.

    Make sure you're using your recall skill on your hero to make the most use out of them. I suspect people aren't taking advantage of it when it could easily change the tide of battle. The hero is your strongest unit and can go anywhere visible on the field at nearly any time instantly.
  5. Devok

    Devok Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2013

    Hey sent you a game dev?
  6. Notturno

    Notturno Active Member

    Mar 8, 2015
    #146 Notturno, Sep 15, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2017
    I'm on the final mission playing on Impossible in the first world (already cleared the special ops ones too) and it seems that the boss keeps destroying my bases no matter what i do. Is this supposed to happen? I can't counter it no matter how many times i try. RIP


    Also i don't get it that people think this game is difficult, it's probably the easist RTS that i ever played, you just need to spam heroes and defenses.. not that much of a strategy
  7. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    #147 anthony78, Sep 15, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2017
    I’m still having trouble getting past level 4 myself. Playing on Casual and have played many RTS games and while no means an expert, this is a bit much.

    My main point is that it is anything but casual IMO if I can play games like Halo Wars on normal difficulty and get way further.

    And, yes, I’ve tried the suggestions here.

    So while it’s all fine and dandy that others have gotten past it even on Veteran, my point again is that this is CASUAL difficulty. Just statement after statement of “I just don’t get it” that others find it difficult is insulting.

    I’m not stupid when it comes to these kinds of games and wanted to just go through the campaign on an easier mode just to get a feel for it. The go to normal, etc.

    I’ll just shut up and let others attack those of us who are having problems. I just think the dev can at least adjust the “casual” difficulty a bit.
  8. BlingBlang

    BlingBlang Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2009
    I've played through the first world and all the spec ops with normal difficulty. Was pretty easy actually.

    Very stupid question: is there a way to have your units focus on a specific enemy? I've tried selecting one or more of my units and then tapping on any enemy. The enemy would then have the square brackets around them but my units target it. If this is not the way you do it, what is the point of being able to tap on an enemy?
  9. Pencil

    Pencil Member

    Sep 14, 2017
    Yeah, that's the way to do it. All enemies in range of the targeted enemy or structure prioritize it. If your unit isn't attacking the targeted enemy, it's either out of range or doesn't have line of sight (blocked by a barrier or rocks).
  10. ROGER-NL

    ROGER-NL Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2012
    Well said Anthony, I am with you all the way, I am also on casual because I never play games like this, just wanted to play something different from my puzzle habits, I like the game so I am gonna try a few more times on level 4 and I am doing some runs on the first side mission to upgrade a bit, see how far I come.
  11. BlingBlang

    BlingBlang Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2009
    The weird thing is, I'm playing as Fate. She has a huge range. But if she's currently shooting at something in close range (her high speed close range weapon) and I select a target that's further away, she continues shooting at the close range target.
  12. TheSop

    TheSop Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2016
    I have seen this game has cloud save, I don't usually use Game Center, can anyone confirm if the cloud save is using Game Center?
  13. Pencil

    Pencil Member

    Sep 14, 2017
    Oh, that's bc units recalculate their target either when their target dies or when you move them. To make priority targeting work in thia case, just reposition Fate slightly after targeting the enemy.
  14. BlingBlang

    BlingBlang Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2009
    Ah, thanks for the clarification! The controls leave me a bit wanting. But then, this is probably the best as it can get barring any additional input device.
  15. Pencil

    Pencil Member

    Sep 14, 2017
    Yeah, we really tried other control schemes, but it got either too complex or required too much presition for a touch device.
  16. shaymon

    shaymon Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2013
    Not sure if this helps you but my son is on his game center. I am on mine. We both use the same itunes login for purchases. I turned the icloud save on and it overwrote my game with his.
  17. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    Mission 4 is hard nut to crack!! I couldn't survive the last countdown assault! Playing on normal!
    Do u guys cheat by using the consumables? I try not to! If I am going to fail again the next time I might!! ###
  18. shaymon

    shaymon Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2013
    Seems a lot of people are stuck on mission 4. I think someone mentioned it but make sure you are building defenses once you capture the bases. My son was having issues and did not realize you could.

    Also- imo consumables are not cheating. You get plenty of currency to buy and use them. Also if you need money, farm the first spec op mission, uninvited guests. You get a crazy amount of money and tech and you only have to do it on casual. Just keep hero in center and keep dropping turrets in center. Once you get it down, you can get fancy. Also respec and go right for the extra currency and the the node that gives more tech.
    If you are into buying heroes, Mark X can solo that mission with one tesla placed on the southern path :)
  19. Jinxtah

    Jinxtah Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2017
    lmao, you're angry at the game and you are requesting a refund because you're bad at it? That's hilarious. Seriously :D

    I failed mission 4 the first 3 times I played it. It was on veteran, so I turned it down to normal and made it. Took a bit of work, but it's definitely doable.

    I've never heard of someone request a refund on the count of them being bad at the game. That's incredible.
  20. twohoots

    twohoots Active Member

    Aug 20, 2017
    I'm only up to mission 5, after also getting stuck on mission 4. There's something a little funky with the enemy spawning, specifically the ones that come from the right of the map off screen. It seemed like there was a trigger point that they would keep spawning forever until you move in on the base to the north. Could be wrong, but I was trying to wait till they stopped spawning and it never happened. The takeaway, at least for that instance, is to be aggressive.

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