has anyone tried this product? it gives you extra battery pack and GPS in a case:: http://www.gpscradle.dualav.com/ then of course sprint has brought to market a sleeve turning your ipod into something im sure jobs did not intend: http://www.engadget.com/2010/11/10/sprint-zte-peel-officially-announced-adds-a-little-3g-to-your-i/ cheers, chris.
Battery pack/GPS sounds awesome, I'll probably pick that upfor Christmas The sprint thing has potential but looks big and ugly (plus a monthly fee that's still nt cheap) Edit: battery pack seems to be for 1st, 2nd and 3rd gen crap. Hoping for a fourth gen version.
yeah im sure 4th is coming soon.. be stupid on there part not too. i thought was a neat idea. also best buy has it the cheapest.. i did not look to hard tho.. but out of the amazon and one other best buy was 70.00 cheaper. chris.