iPhone\iPad Graphics development

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by fgfactory, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. fgfactory

    fgfactory Well-Known Member

    Hi to All and Everybody.
    My name is Alexander, I’m a project manager of FgFactory design and code team.
    Let me give you our thoughts about graphics development process.
    At the current stage of iPhone application development and iPhone game development it has become clear that, in order to develop a high quality product, at least 3 components have to be present: an original idea for iPhone application or iPhone game, good iPhone coding, and excellent iPhone design. Take a look around and think for a moment, how many good ideas were realized, but in the absence of the latter two components, just a regular trash had resulted that no one was interested in. So, let's try to understand what to do with a good idea.
    We at Fgfactory think that, at first, the idea has to be transformed into a specific concept, that is, into a written description of what you want to get in the end. The specific concept should be divided into two parts: iPhone graphic design and iPhone technical description. We will start with the iPhone graphics design.
    Description of the iPhone application design and iPhone game design
    iPhone application design concept or iPhone game design concept should describe the style of graphics of an iPhone application or an iPhone game.
    When choosing the style of applications or games, some basic questions have to be addressed: what would the final product be used for; whether or not it will be an office application which will be used as an operating tool. Or maybe it will be some entertaining application that should be fun and unobtrusive. Whether the target group of your application or game will be kids, adolescents, adults, retirees, or various combinations of the above age groups. After the target group has been defined, it would be appropriate to turn to developing the graphic user interface of the app, again based on who will be using the final product, as the features of the mobile graphics user interface will vary based on that.
    Description of the iPhone user interface design. For the development phase of an iPhone user interface design it is the best to use the following method, as we do at Fgfactory: every possible box of an iPhone application or a iPhone game has to be listed. It all begins with a loading screen, then go the menu screens; it is important to understand from the start what buttons, links and icons are to be displayed, what options the application will have, what functions they will possess, etc.
    Once you have listed all the screens, you need to link them together, that is to specify what functionality a certain button or icon, located on the screen, would have. That is, what happens if we push this or that button, what meaning this or that icon carries, what is the order of transitions on the screens, etc.
    This stage is the most critical and time-consuming in the development of an iPhone application or a iPhone game, as errors and omissions committed at this stage would become evident during the immediate application development, which would lead to the revision of the structure, to the development of additional graphic elements or software features.
    Technical (programming): programming of an iPhone application or a iPhone game, having the finished structure in hands, with a full description of the sequence of opening windows, moving between windows, buttons matching actions, is basically a matter of direct knowledge of programming language, which saves precious time.
    After the code has been implemented, a stage of debugging and testing begins for the application. At this stage the process of application usage itself is getting customized and optimized for specific user’s preferences. If it is a iPhone game, then, for instance, there would be an option of difficulty level adjustment (e. g. the amount of money received for completing an operation, time allotted for a specific operation, etc.). If during the planning phase of the application all of these parameters were taken into account, and during the implementation phase these parameters were assigned individual variables, or even some functions and algorithms were generated, then revising would become a very trouble-free procedure.
    Once all these stages have been completed, and you have the final product, it makes sense to think about advertising your iPhone application. But that is the topic of a separate article.
    By this algorithm we have finished more than 60 projects, some of them you can see on our website.
    It is just our point of view on development process, ready for discussion and critiques :)
    Will be glad to answer your questions

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