iPhone\iPad development services

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by fgfactory, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. fgfactory

    fgfactory Well-Known Member

    My name is Aleksandr and I'd like to tell you few words about out team and our rules of development

    Individual approach
    Fgfactory has drawn the conclusion in the process of its work with a great deal of clients that only the search for individuality is a customer key to success, and therefore the key to success of our company.
    We always position ourselves as a company which clients return to.
    We are always pleased to provide our clients with service assistance.
    Each product whether an application for business or a developing game for kids has its own original idea or a feature that gives a high priority to the product in the market.
    Fgfactory – company always look for an individual approach to each client and product.
    We want you to be original.
    Our task is to find the uniqueness of your product.
    We are interested in your being unique.


    Due to a great experience and professional skills at products development for the computer industry we know how to make a quality new product or upgrade the famous one in order to make it salable and show its individuality.

    Fgfactory develops software taking into account all the benefits and distinguishing features. We realize clients' ideas into concrete form, as well as offer our own ones. Based on the current concept of an application, we develop the idea and create a full-fledged product.

    As far as we position oneself as a company with a creative approach to development, we place great emphasis on the graphical part of the workflow. In our opinion graphics and appearance of the product affects its attractiveness in the market. We want your products to have sales appeal.

    Our professionals can preset it most spectacularly for a specific audience of consumers.

    Highly skilled programmers of our company have a long experience of working with 3d, 2d engines for iPhone, iPad, Flash platforms and development of applications and websites.

    Product development​

    Any product like a house has following components:
    1.Foundation is quality. Quality is the basis of any product. It is the most fundamental part, which the success of the product as well as how walls will stand and the roof will lie depends on.
    The team of experienced UX designers is able to build the stable and quality foundation, plan possible variants of changes in the future.
    The quality foundation is the earnest of your product’s success.
    2.Walls are attractiveness and functionality. Basing on a qualitative foundation, we construct attractive and highly functional walls of your product. Functionality will be properly combined with beautiful graphics and design.
    Our developers know how to make your product attractive and functional.
    Attractive design and powerful software code will provide that no one can break through its walls depriving the targeted audience.
    3.Roof is competitiveness. Our target is to develop a product that will be in good demand in the market, be interesting to a targeted audience.
    You will not beat your head against a brick wall doubting the competitiveness of your product, because we build quality, durable walls.
    The introduced concept is simple and at the same time it is enough specifically shows the technique of our company approach to the decision of the task. We do not want to complicate the process of the product development but a search of individuality needs accurate and deep learning of every set task.

    Stages of work​

    Phased implementation of the project and a detailed schedule, which each step is mentioned in, simplifies and streamlines workflow, provides both parties with clarity. We divide every project into the following stages:
    1.Project start. Managers of our company thoroughly discuss all details of the project with a client. If a client doesn't imagine the final form of the product, Fgfactory managers help to clarify all ambiguities, to form the ultimate goal which a client wants to succeed.
    The plan of the work on the project is drawn on the basis of the original information provided by a customer.

    2.Concept. A detailed description of the project will provide an opportunity to make a precise project timetable, to clarify details of the development, to avoid discrepancies in the future.

    If the client has a finished concept of the project, it will facilitate the preparation phase of the development.
    The cost and development deadline will be determined on the basis of a detailed description of the project.

    3.Wireframe. Highly skilled UX designers develop the qualitative structure of your product, which will become a foundation of work of designers, artists and programmers.
    A detailed framework of the product is a key to success. Developing the right framework saves time and helps eliminate errors, inconsistencies and controversial issues in subsequent stages of the development process.
    4.Development. Product development may be divided into several stages depending on the workload.

    Number of stages of product development is determined by Fgfactory and agreed by the customer.

    Phased development involves a phased payment for the project.

    Payment stages of product development is determined by Fgfactory managers and agreed by the customer.

    5.Approved materials. Project materials are approved by the customer as they advances during the development process. Materials are not subject to remaking after its approval.
    Work with approved materials will be renewed by the customer, if he invests additional funds needed for further development.

    6.Source files. The project sources are allowed to the customer after the full payment for services stipulated in the contract, the requirements specification or the verbal arrangement.

    7.Client. The customer gets the full access to the project materials.

    We are waiting for positive feedbacks on the quality of our services at any independent sources.
    We are ready for long-term cooperation. We are firmly to provide high quality services regarding software development, applications, games for iPhone, iPad, Flash, Facebook, PC and web.


    Time frames are an integral part of the workflow.
    They are calculated on the assumption of amount of work at each stage of the product development. A detailed project schedule is prepared after thorough learning the project materials (see above).
    The amount of time allocated for the project is calculated on the basis of the number of working days, which has been given to the project.
    Weekends and holidays are not counted in the timeframes that are assigned to the project.
    The schedule of the project included delays in the time for approval, adjustment and testing of project materials.

    Timeframe can vary, often be increased due to additional time for approval, adjustment and testing of project materials.
    The project is considered initiated on the next working day after the remittance of upfront payment for the project.
    The time that is given to the project may have intermediate stages of the workflow.
    Quantity of stages of product development is determined by Fgfactory specialists and agreed by the customer.
    Payment for work
    We wait for the appropriate payment for quality and professionalism of the services we provide. Factors that affect the size of payment:

    Payment at least divided into two stages:​

    1. Upfront payment is to be made after the approval of the full technical specifications of the project. The amount is stipulated in writing or orally with Fgfactory managers.
    2. Final payment for work is to be made after the completion of the project. Final payment is also made before the customer will be transferred the Source files of the project.
    There may be intermediate stages of payment depending on the size of the project.
    Payment stages of product development is determined by Fgfactory managers and agreed by the customer.

    We are confident that cooperation with Fgfactory will promote your business and you will get positive emotions from the product developed by us and to communication with our staff.
    We are always welcome.

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