'Spammaster'? But seriously... As i said before this looks pretty nice, just please get a section for those request/game decision thingies. 'game decisions' as ibelong stated would be nice i guess.
yea, 1000 posts could be "why the heck are you still on TA, i thought we scared you away" and 500 could be "you are so addicted to the ipod touch/iphone that you would pass up a girl and or guy to just play your ipod touch/iphone" a.k.a. YASATTITITYWPUAGAOGTJPYITI
Looks good so far. You might wanna expirement with different variations of categories to see what flows. IBITF, I thought we scared you away when you turned depressive because we corrected you on how to use the forum. And yes, you are a spam master, lol. On a more serious note, yeah, we need more levels. You can easily become a senior member in a week (I think I did). So are level names gonna be serious or humorous?
Great idea! Disclosure: since we have an "upcoming game", obviously it would be fantastic for us to have a separate forum section for these. But just from my personal experience reading the forums, wow, those threads move fast! So it makes a lot of sense to create more subforums. I agree, "old" sounds like those games might be unappealing - I think the division of content makes sense, but a more positive label would be great. Maybe "established" instead? Or you could go with "Out now" and "Released" instead of "new" and "old"? I'm sure others will have suggestions too!
yep, u cant scare me away that easily. And just in case one of the mod's thought a infraction would scare me away, sorry, not happening. but, how about executive member or anceint member or make senior the highest add a baby member Add a teenage member or something so this is what it would be baby-0 posts junior-30 teenage member- 100 member 200- senior member-500 executive member-1000 or u could do this baby-0 toddler-30 child-50 teenager-100 adult-500 senior-1000
I'm pretty much fine whichever way. ^_^ If I'm looking for a thread for a particular game, I'll just use the search function anyway, so which forum it's housed in doesn't really gain me much - the traffic level's going to remain crazily high, so such a partitioning could mean as many as two hours of postings on the first page of topics, rather than one. =
There's always a tradeoff to consider with forum organization. If you subdivide too much, you end up with less discussion on topics because not enough people go to a particular forum. With that in mind, might I suggest a 2-forum solution (with recent and upcoming together), rather than 3? I'm not sure an "upcoming" forum will have that much on its own. Furthermore, I think planning a structure that is going to require manual movement of threads, in effect creating more work for you, is not a wise idea. I would suggest either dropping that part of the idea, or a different method of organization altogether (such as by genre).
Great idea. Perhaps get rid or the jailbreak section, and put it as sub-forums of games, apps, and the lounge. For jailbreak games, apps, and the process to jailbreak. Try looking at iPodTouchFans.com/forums for some ideas about how this should be done. I don't want near the complexity of that site, however. Perhaps an international section.
arn, I like your idea of sub forums, and just hope it wouldn't be too much work for you and the mods in the long run. There definitely is a balance between organization of threads and stiffling conversation as mentioned by Misguided @ibelong. This thread is about organization of forums, not about your need for more status.
Sounds good. As a suggestion to your idea of moving the existing threads around, how about making it so that if you create/have created a thread you will be able to move it yourself, aswell as rename the title. Should help reduce the mod/admins workload a bit if it is possible to implement?
I dont know why everyone stays mainly in the games forum, i mean, when i want to see which threads have been active, i click on new posts, and it shows me every thread thats been posted in since my last visit. If youre a daily visitor, like i am, then its a really convenient way to do it, at the most i get 3pgs of threads to look through. It also gets rid of the need to make sub forums.
I think this is a solid idea. Having to sort through a variety of topics in one subforum is kind of tedious, and if this new layout will work nicely. If I'm in the market to buy a new app because I'm going to some event, I could quickly jump to the new games section. If I am just chilling and want to have some discussion, I can go to the upcoming games or released games or wherever. It will be more organized, which I like
I reckon Misguided makes a valid point - its dangerous to split things up too much - after a while you may find that few people stray from the New and Upcoming sections and the info to be gleaned on Apps out for more than a week would not be picked up by many EG. a game that was great but a had a flaw that made it less than perfect - has now been made perfect surely there's a way that the games forum can be all together - but that filtering to whatever sub category you want can be made a clickable option that way - only the people who really want to excluse certain category of post can do so and the rest will still have it all there in on place?
It is also possible to automerge double posts. I don't know why iPTF has the most efficient spam and usability controls, and the worst community, and TA has a great community, but lacks on spam control.
Just to clarify, I do understand where Arn is coming from on this. It can be difficult to keep up with all of the threads when the forum is busy. (Keep in mind that having this kind of traffic on a forum is a GREAT thing, and the admins should be applauded for having such a great site). That only highlights the problem with Arn's suggestion for me. I don't want to see anyone have to manually be moving a ton of threads around. Having been a forum admin on multiple occasions, I think that path leads to despair. Perhaps we should toss out some alternate ideas? One possibility might be to have a forum for free games and lite versions of paid apps. I'm not nuts about the idea, but we could have some subfora based on genre (I would NOT follow the app stores system, there would be too many separate categories). Surely some of you have other suggestions. Let's hear them.
The first bolded section, so true. Mods on the other fourm i am a member in tried this when they started out, it was a huge amount of work.(size of forum was about this big, if they tried it now it would be impossible, as there are millions of posts and tens of thousands of threads) Second bolded section is a fantastic idea, instead of using new and old titles, both free and paid apps are talked about equally here, so it would be a good split. Also, it dosent put any favorability towards one section.
I don't think these suggestions really take into account how this forum is used. In which case, you should look through the most popular topics in the gaming forum. I don't even know if there are many free games really focused on. Sure, an occasional good one comes now and again, but for the most part paid applications are the focus because they tend to be deeper/higher quality. Lite version discussion is only related to buying or not buying the full version. As for genres. Similarly, I think genre splits are arbitrary and not helpful. Sure, some people might be looking for a specific type of game, but for the most part I believe people are looking for new/good/interesting games. arn