Read this article about Crackulous getting hijacked for profit. Worth the minute read.
This happens to every good freeware program at some point. Kyek/Angel (whoever wrote it) won't really care though, I doubt these people end up getting a sale. Who PAYS to crack apps?
They sure do care, that's the funniest part. A beta version of Crackulous was leaked back in November, and the dev called it "absolutely disgusting, and downright insulting." I'm sure he'll have some choice words about it being for sale now. You can't even make this shit up. Read Erica Sadun's article about it on Ars Technica:
Holy crap that's a funny story. Half way through I could have sworn that was a joke article! EDIT: Here's their response:
So guy complains about his crack software being stolen and abused... while his software does that to regular apps which cost money anyway. It's like both sides of their blades are blunt like a rusty butter knife.
I just found out the best twist today. This pirated copy is apparently a big joke perpetrated by some dev going by Haklab. This makes it even funnier to me. And it's still sad that (even on that post) that pirates justify themselves by saying it's our faults for not having trials. If something doesn't have a trial that doesn't give you the right to steal it. Just don't buy it.