I don’t know what kind of jeans you’re referring. But I’m a regular, somewhat fitted jeans kind of guy (not potatoes and sausage revealing, nor even all that fitted say to my leg calf, but a just right kind of fit), and I have near zero issues with my Xs Max. I initially thought it would be an issue but I think I found in my wardrobe of let’s say like 8 different pants to wear, like 1 or two were a potential pocket depth issue. Pretty sure most manufacturers now know to design pockets a little deeper. if you’re a girl wearing super tight stuff, then yeh I could understand an issue. For guys, no, not really an issue, imo. The extra screen space is worth any potential pants issues.
Damn it was extremely hard but I found that not only did xdoria switch to raptic for all of the branding and that they did have similar cases to mine but with a clear back I found the one damn shop that sold my exact case! The xdoria defence lux now raptic lux! Amazon and even raptic were sold out of it. Anyway just thought I’d share the link if anyone wants to find it for themselves, it isn’t the lightest case in the world due to the metal but it’s not heavy either. It feels great in your hands and is drop protected for 10 feet! Plus not bulky at all due to its construction and being one piece of metal along with the rubber of course. Mine has been tested countless times over 3 years with my IPhone X, dropped on the floor on its face and all different ways...down the stairs once and even a few weeks ago I accidentally launched it at a wall. Still looks like brand new. https://www.phonebar.co.uk/products/raptic-lux-iphone-12-case?variant=32239223734337
Ha ha made me laugh out loud your reply ! I may have to stop wearing some old pairs of jeans which i lounge about it. Very tempting to get the max. Did look at the price of a brand new iphone 12 max and yeah they're quite expensive arent they ! Might keep to an iphone xs max , tempting tempting ! Thanks though
Just bought an iPhone XS 512 gb. Not fussed about new features on the latest Phones. Fed up of de installing games due to space ! Probably lose a fair few games when I transfer it over which is a shame but benefits are I can play more of the larger ones. plus should get a bit for my 256 gb one
Check out youtube videos on the 12 and it's terrible gaming performance. It can't even run Genshin Impact or PUBG as well as the 11 pro did.
As I wrote on the other thread, haven’t had a problem with Genshin Impact — but I wouldn’t be surprised to see an optimization update coming up soon. The game is loading about twice as fast in the new phone.
Just copying over my backup of my old phone (256 GB) to my new one (512 GB). A lot of apps didnt copy over as they cant be found in the app store anymore. On my old phone is there a way of backing up the IPA's ? I dont think there is but wanted to check. Just i need to wipe this old phone 'soon' so i wanted to ideally back up the IPA's I did manage to find one favourite (Z-Exemplar) which is no longer on the app store, as its quite old i had the .ipa file which i managed to reinstall on my new phone. So because of that i wondered if i can somehow get to the IPA's on my old phone to back them up (And then reinstall them that way) ? Any ideas ? Edit - Quick google suggests using itunes 12.6 and try backing up the IPA's that way. I'll see if i can uninstall the latest itunes okay so i can install this older one