In the first popularity contest of the presidential race, Michele Bachman claims the throne. But while the crazy nutjob continues her spree, a dark horse emerges. As the only sane republican candidate, Ron Raul takes a close second. I know TA isn't the place for politics, but I figured the issue is pretty one sided and we all know how crazy some republicans can be.
Rick Perry is going to win the GOP nominaton. In any case, I'll be voting for Obama in the fall with my first vote at 18. I want to see him finish up during his second term. Edit: It often feels like Michele Bachmann (whose name nobody can ever spell, lol) doesn't have a clue what's in the Constitution when she talks. Watching reruns of her speeches always brings out some pretty good laughs. I'd rather have Ron Paul win the nomination, but yeah, watch out for Rick Perry.
I really want the Tea Party to get all riled up again. I want to see the Republicans split. It would be an insta win for Obama.
Voting for a democrat in Texas? Fat lot of good that'll do. Barack Obama never had a chance at a second term, there was no way he could fix our economic crisis in four years and people are going to blame him harshly for it... because he's black. Unfortunately racism is alive and well in the US and the only reason he got elected the first time around is people were so freaked out about the thought of McCain dying in office and crazy bitch taking over that it pushed people over the edge. Sorry to disillusion anybody because I would love to live in happy happy racist-free land too but that simply isn't the case. Bachman is a religious sociopath living in a fantasy world, Romney can't get elected because he's a moron.. Sorry, Mormon and that means he doesn't ingest caffeine. Only drug addicts are allowed to become president, we aren't going to let any creepy coffee hater into the White House. Rick Perry seems to have that perfect level of crazy the right wing goes for, but there's still plenty of time for someone else to leap into the ring and take the head of the wounded gazelle. Personally I'm putting all my support behind a wheel of Swiss cheese. Sure his foreign roots may turn people off at first, but he's got that holiness people love and a unique flavor that can't be beat. Also, talk about a melting pot candidate, he's freaking fondue! Wheel of Swiss for presipope 2012! /SARCASM! (hopefully obvious...)
really???? - so if I don't agree with Obamanomics, and I do not believe that Obama's policies can or will correct four years of Bushonomics, and I don't vote for Obama in the next election based on his performance so far, than I'm automatically a racist and obviously only voting for someone else because Obama is black? ...where do you get off making an assumption like that? So if Herman Cain runs and I vote for him what does that do to your assumption? I'm really glad someone let me know that the Republican party had cornered the market on crazy and that there are no crazy Democrats in office...I always thought both political parties where equally nuts. And YES I am offended by the wild accusations and assumptions expressed in this thread, that characterize me as a crazy racist based merely on my political leanings, and can't believe that anyone on TouchArcade is capable of such uncivil statements...
I did read his post and the "/SARCASM!" appeared to be directed at the last paragraph, not the body of the entire post. If I am mistaken I apologize; however the last paragraph was definitely over the top - hence the "/SARCASM!" - whereas the previous paragraphs definitely comes across as honest opinion and not sarcasm to me... Personally, I don't find the usage of the word "racism" appropriate given the context of the conversation even if it's usage was somehow intended to be construed sarcastically. The word has serious implications and should never be used in a flippant manner.
Screw all the politicians, vote for me instead. Once elected, my first presidential action will be to direct all of America's assets into the construction of a giant, mechanical button (roughly one mile diameter, fifty feet in altitude). This button will be painted metallic red, and the words "RESET" will be written upon it in bright white letters (probably in IMPACT font). The construction of this button should begin to put America's economic crisis back in alignment, considering the amount of work that will be needed to complete the project. Then, we'll have all the illegal immigrants stand on the button and jump at the same time. This'll reset the world's economy to a previous time in America's history.
Only problem is once the american people realize you're brazilian, they'll ask for your birth certificate.
And that's why, religion should be separate from the government. I'm personally athiest, but I have nothing against religion. Religion and politics just don't mix very well. Especially if you've got some nutcase that worships pastafarianism or something.
I never said that if you don't vote for him that you're a racist just that racists still exist and vote. Why you chose to read more into it then that is beyond me. Would it shock you to learn that I almost voted for McCain last time around because I felt Obama was too inexperienced at the time? People here take sh*t wayyyy to seriously for a gaming forum.
*sigh* the liberal views on getting us out of this debt are terrible. Why tax the rich when the rich are giving middle and lower class families jobs (AND NO, I AM NOT RICH, SO DONT SAY THAT IS THE ONLY REASON I AM AGAINST TAXING THE RICH)? Why give the liberals more money when they are going to just spend it? The only way to get us out of this debt is to not spend more than we are making...which means to CUT SPENDING! I am also a conservative because i have moral values, which are showed through what conservatives support.
Lol, just an arguing tip, don't refer someone to an opinion page and make it seem like that is your proof you are right... but anyway... as i said before, that could mean less jobs (and yes i read the article talking about job creation in your OPINION article), that won't help america because the government would just spend what they get, and they wouldn't be cutting spending. And anyways, the nytimes has a liberal slant anyways, i might as well as give you an article from fox news and call it proof. What has Obama done to deserve re-election anyways?
Would you be in favor of an AppStore tax on the top 25 apps with proceeds redistributed to the developers of unranked apps?