iOS puzzle project (paid)

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Supercharged, Jul 15, 2011.

  1. Supercharged

    Supercharged New Member

    Apr 4, 2011
    Construction Site Manager, Business Owner
    Los Angeles County
    I am looking for a reliable developer who is highly knowledgeable in coding for puzzle games.

    The game will be aimed in the direction of Tetris and Dr. Mario. All music, sounds, examples, layouts and graphics supplied. The job will have specific tweaks throughout the production period to finalize the game, which we would need addressed before the second portion of the payment is made.

    As long as there is consistent email communication, I am a very easy person to work with and have no problem paying extra for great work. Everything will be in writing and agreed to prior to the start of the job. This means you must be OVER THE AGE OF 18 and a valid citizen of the United States. I can't stress age enough. This would lead to more, higher paying, projects in the near future.

    Projected Tasks:
    -Randomizing of different block-like objects
    -Objects falling
    -Preview of next object
    -Ability to determine which track the object falls on to fit along with other placed objects
    -Shake device characteristics
    -Possible Accelerometer use
    -24 progressively difficult levels (speed)
    -Music reacting to level difficulty
    -Pause with basic options
    -Save Score
    -Online Leaderboard
    -Unique Game Specifics
    -Device Vibration

    *Pay: $400 + 10% sales
    Due date August 24, 2011
    !!!Additional $100 for early submittal!!!
    Samples of work can be submitted to my personal email at [email protected] along with a few paragraphs telling me about yourself and why you think you can perform to the level requested.

    *$100 initial payment at start of project, second portion at time of submitted work. 10% paid when balance accumulates to $25 or more. If balance is less than $25 at the end of the month, the balance carries over to the following until the minimum $25 is met. If proposed game makes over the stated amount consistently, payment will be transferred (or mailed) within 7 days of payment received from Apple Inc, not at the personal expense of Donald McGhee or Supercharged Studios. Time of percentage payments may vary based on, and only, Apple's payment schedule.

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