Can anyone recommend a gaming controller for iOS devices? Do these only work on jail broken phones? Sorry I'm totally new to these would appriciate some information. Thanks
There are a few MFi (Made For iOS) controllers that specifically work with iOS devices. No jailbreak needed coz these are recognized by apple. The only catch is that not all games have MFi controller support, and that is only implementable by the devs if they opt to include it in their games. That said, we have a handful of fantastic games already that work really well with these MFi controllers. Check out (a site owned by one of our forum regulars here) for a list of MFi controllers available and games that have MFi controller support. You can also get some other news off that site that may help you decide to get which controllers.
Sadly no, they don't work with any of the MFi compatible games. Apple has to certify a controller before it'll work with iOS officially, and none of those cheap Chinese pads are certified