Not really sure where to put this and so I hope it's okay here... I've been having game data reset by itself. Games that have Game Center anyway. All my game data is gone on a couple games (maybe more...) So upset right now. Also there are a couple games that refuse to be removed from Game Center even when I ask to remove them. Anyone else getting these issues? I'm on IOS 4.3.3. I'm doing a restore right now and so we'll see how that goes.
I had this problem with Space Miner yesterday, but this is before I updated to the new version with Gamecenter. Which games had this bug for you?
I just did a quick look through of all my games (luckily I don't have a lot!) and it seems only Bumpy Road and Hard8 so far. Hopefully none others. I'm hoping the restore helped, but I can't be 100% sure yet. I guess it's not just game center games then huh?
Same thing for me. No old games popped up though. It's just that my achievements nearly doubled, counting all the achievements I've ever earned. This might be an update to GameCenter though and not a bug. Your old games not disappearing is probably a bug though.
I'm getting double amount of trophies too. I noticed that a couple days ago. Anyone else have game data reset and/or games not removing from Game Center? What OS are you on?