Hi everyone! We wanted to give out some promo codes and get some feedback on our mobile party game, Card Twister. Android Promo Codes https://play.google.com/redeem?code=3358D6EJ7H1GADMQ6JZYAYL https://play.google.com/redeem?code=Q22UGKFG2QGRJXTXPHKWWH5 https://play.google.com/redeem?code=TYJ0GCZR8CP0BN7LBJ4BBST https://play.google.com/redeem?code=ZEKYCTSBK0P6X26V3MX0WG6 https://play.google.com/redeem?code=CXMLTQYCAXY6WH7PDCH0C3K https://play.google.com/redeem?code=BPQCUQFW3Y1DPXMRFCTM5VY iOS Promo Codes https://apps.apple.com/redeem?ctx=offercodes&id=1525276104&code=6FLJJX3HRF3TRXMLA3 https://apps.apple.com/redeem?ctx=offercodes&id=1525276104&code=KFPNTYJELATTLA6X6X https://apps.apple.com/redeem?ctx=offercodes&id=1525276104&code=7R6FXN6MM3647NEKTN https://apps.apple.com/redeem?ctx=offercodes&id=1525276104&code=8RR36PE4YKNKW8LNKY https://apps.apple.com/redeem?ctx=offercodes&id=1525276104&code=H8MPFNPY6KKE3MM8LL What is Card Twister Card Twister is a freemium model, mobile party game that includes a wide variety of original, dark-humored cards across categories like Stories, Charades, Most likely to, Never have I ever, Truth or dare, Spin the bottle, Tongue twister, Face-off, Vines, Wink murder, Two truths and a lie. Our team created Card Twister because we noticed a lot of duds in the party game landscape: buggy apps, bland content, and sky-high prices. We wanted to create something that is anything but boring. With Card Twister, all you need to do is download the app, invite your friends, and click start. The cards will give you challenges or ask questions with easy instructions. Complete them to avoid penalties! Key Links: Find Card Twister on iOS here Find Card Twister on Google Play here Find our website here