After looking at app thinning in the future, I was wondering if anyone thinks that since the app is sliced up according to your device, that would cause problems for those pirating apps, having to get a specific torrent or whatever. Just a thought.
Wouldn't be surprised at all if professional pirates use this for advertising even: "Now XXX GB less to download!!! More space for your stolen apps on your device!" The more fundamental question is how long it will take until someone finds a way to jailbreak iOS9. P.S.: Look, it's the Spam Police hangout corner
I don't think Apple puts a lot of thought into preventing piracy, but in this case, it might end up being a happy side effect. The motives for app slicing probably align closely with what Apple says they are: reducing file size and encouraging developers to make games that people can start playing immediately.
Since it is optional, I dont think this will cause problems to pirates at all. They'll download away like nothing happened, really. Besides that, there some crack freaks out there who dont give a shit. They just modify the files like they did with MC5 which was heavily protected by GL's server-based(!) DRM. Well it was just a matter of time.