iOS 7.x

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Shan82, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. tops2

    tops2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    Overall, I like ios7, especially the control panel and the swipe left to right to go back. The main things not too crazy about is the 9 app per screen for a folder, but at least we can put more than 9 apps in a folder.

    The battery life on my iPad 3 seems to have gone up, but on the iPod touch 5 it seems to have gone down a lot. Granted, I've been messing around a lot on the iPod touch..with playing games and messing with the different features. It does seem to have gotten better yesterday when I started using it again normally. And yes, I've already turned off the options people have mentioned to try to save battery (ie, disabling background app updates, etc...).

    Overall, I like the update and just can't wait for the next patches.
  2. dancj

    dancj Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
    Ah. If you're using the same wallpaper as you'd used in ios6 then I don't know.
  3. Paulos G

    Paulos G Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2012
    location, location.
    Am I imagining it or is my 4S charging more quickly now that I have iOS 7?
  4. I still find ios 6 better looking especially the icons and the colors.

    Yeah, one of the more irritating things, along with that, taking forever on my ipad to change background screens.

    I realize that, I am not necessarily saying not to update to ios 7 or that it is all bad, just that I highly recommend to wait for 7.1.

    There are alot of good features too that I will talk about below.

    Yup, most of the developers I have talked to concerning alot of these problems in threads are now working or have fixed alot of these problems, so most will likely work themselves out sometime in the near future.

    Yeah, there are some good things too like the control panel, and the reverse back, and also things like nested folders, multitasking stuff, etc.

    But a couple of things that haven't really been brought up too much is the much improved iphone only game play on the ipad. It really has gone for the better, 2x games run and seem better in graphical detail than before.

    Also, on a whole, vector based games for some reason look so much better on ios 7, the algorithms or other things like blurring must have been refined.

    But then again, alot of games look far worse too like losing retina in some games like tabletop racing, boost 2, and many others. I kinda wonder if this is an ipad 3 issue.

    To me, ios 7 seems designed more for ipad 4 and iphone 5, I think apple dropped the bomb alittle on the ipad 3 version, ios 6 ran so smoothly on an ipad 3, on ios 7, for example, it takes light years just to change one background.

    Probably won't be so bad on the ipad 4 or latest devices.

    So seems like you win some and lose some with ios 7 for me, and the ipad 3 has suddenly shown alot of white hairs that it did not have before.

    Guess it is a good excuse now to get an ipad 5, so no worries.

    And yeah, I'm sure with upgrades both from Apple and devs, things will be much smoother in a bit.
  5. k1lljoy_89

    k1lljoy_89 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Look out your window.
    ..Jesus that is an ugly wallpaper.
  6. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    That's entirely a matter of personal preference, though; many people prefer the way the OS looks now. I'll point to your choice of grotesque wallpaper again in support of the argument that you might not be the best suited to say what looks good and what doesn't, however. ;)

    I still haven't seen anybody give a solid reason why people should wait, though, because there are no major showstoppers with iOS 7 in its current state, and the aesthetic isn't going to change. Based on personal experience and the majority of the feedback on MacRumors and like sites, the people experiencing problems are in the minority, and many of these have been able to fix their issues.

    There certainly are a handful of minor issues in this release, but for most they won't have nearly enough of an impact to warrant waiting for another OS update before upgrading.

    That'll be on the app developers, if it is happening: iOS 7 doesn't include anything that automatically converts previously Retina-based games to non-Retina ones. The only issues I've seen have been with games that haven't been updated, like Blazing Star.

    iOS 7 wasn't just designed for those devices, and most of the feedback over at MacRumors from people using an iPad 3 is that it works just fine, with those experiencing lag or stutter issues often finding their problems remedied after following the advice provided by other users. You might want to head over there and take a look to see if they can help you out.

    The delay in changing wallpapers happens on every device, even the latest ones, but again, how often do you use that feature? Even if you change your background once a day, at most you're waiting around for five seconds to complete the process, which is pretty much a "first-world problem" if there ever was one.
  7. Appletini,

    You do not seem to comprehend the very simple concept that the ipad 3 version performs much differently than the ipad 4 version.

    Why you always like to think that your way is best in threads is beyond me.

    I won't sit here and criticize your background and lack of taste, cause it is pointless.
  8. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    Well no, iOS 7 on a third-gen iPad doesn't "perform much differently", and continually claiming that it does won't suddenly make that true; there's no such thing as an "iPad 3 version" of iOS 7. A handful of people have had some of the same complaints as you (over the full range of devices), but they have largely resolved these via the advice kindly provided by others.

    If you choose to remain ignorant and not take advantage of the help on offer, that's up to you, but please don't deliberately inflict your misinformation on others.
  9. You are a crack up. Keep argueing and name calling all you want. I won't resort to such pettiness.
  10. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    On my ipod touch 5th gen it used to show an extra row of icons in the small thumbnail preview. Thats gone now plus the amount of icons shown when you open the folder.

    But on the plus side you can put tons and tons of apps inside one folder now which is great. So i must admit with all the 100's of apps i have my iphone and ipod are much 'neater' as everythings in a few directories rather than Platform I, Platform II, Platform III etc.

    So yeah its a small annoyance they changed how many are instantly displayed in a folder but considering i can put tons of games in one folder and then scroll across thats far better

    But with a new OS you're never going to please everyone. I mean look how diverse we are with games here, some people love achievements, others dont care, some people like buttons, some people swipes.
  11. #271 Connector, Sep 26, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2013
    I have a question to any helpful ipad 4 owner.

    There seems to be alot of games that are not displaying ipad retina anymore. Since I have been working with a lot of developers to correct alot of these problems, I wanted to find out if the ipad 4 was having the same issues or if this was mostly an ipad 3 problem.

    If any ipad 4 owner could check Tabletop Racing and Blood Roofs really fast and report back whether it was running ipad retina, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
  12. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    #272 Appletini, Sep 26, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2013
    On the smaller devices it's not such an issue, but the iPad used to employ a 5x4 layout for icons, so this is a major step backwards in terms of ease of use; nine apps per page is far less convenient than twenty, and there's no need for such a limitation given the screen real estate available. Even given the divisive feedback over iOS 7 on the various Apple-related sites, this is one of the few issues that pretty much every iPad user agrees should be seriously looked at.

    Both of them are.

    Edit: Got in contact with a friend who still has a third-gen iPad, and he has confirmed that both of these games are in Retina on his device.
  13. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    The resolution for a "proper" retina iPad wallpaper is 2048x2048. A square. This is to ensure it displays at native res in both portrait and landscape. In landscape, the top and bottom of the picture are always trimmed, and in portrait, the sides are always trimmed, but it never zooms. It worked this way in iOS 6 too.

    And yeah, iOS 7 is flawlessly smooth on my iPad 3, but slow on my iPhone 4. Folders are kinda sucky on iPad.
  14. september

    september Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    Bring on user themes
  15. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Yep i was enjoying the larger folder contents on my ipod touch 5 (iphone 4 was still the smaller folders), so it was a bit surprising (an odd decision) they've changed this on later devices to be the same as earlier ones. But again catch 22, i do enjoy chucking tons of apps in.
  16. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    I think one of the major things people are taking issue with is that these aren't even mutually exclusive conditions: being able to flood folders with more apps than ever before has absolutely no bearing on the maximum number of apps that can be shown per page.

    I do like the expanded folder feature, given that in the past I had the usual separate "Board Games", "Board Games 2", "Puzzle", "Puzzle 2", etc., and had more folders than could fit on one page. It got to the point that I couldn't be bothered sorting new games into folders so left them to spread across several more pages, which was largely inefficient, but with iOS 7 I've managed to put every single game on my device into relevant folders on a single page with space to spare.

    It came as a bit of a shock when I started looking for the option to show more than 3x3 apps per folder page and found out there wasn't one, however. The home screen on an iPad can show 5x4 folders/apps, so it really makes more sense for each open folder to mimic that and show 5x4 apps (and Apple obviously thought so, given that this is how it used to work).
  17. tops2

    tops2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    #277 tops2, Sep 26, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2013
    Wow! Just checked this morning on my iPod touch least for me, I can install Dodonpachi Maximum and Ace Patrol on it. These 2 games used to not install cause iPod touch 5 didn't have a digital compass. These 2 apps haven't been updated for iOS 7 yet either!! Finally!

    Yeah, I have an ipad3 also and ios7 has worked flawless for me. I don't game on it much, so can't comment about that..but the speed is good (aside from changing wallpaper...which is something I'll do a few times at first, then never touch again). I had a lot of random lag with iOS 6..but it's much better with iOS 7. That said, instead of using the over the air upgrade, I did the full backup and restore method to install iOS 7.
  18. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Yet that would have been ideal if theres an option to show how many apps per group. I mean one folder i have (ahem) 7x3 lots of icons to scroll across ! Be nice if a huge large folder zoomed into view.
  19. SlightReturn

    SlightReturn Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2012
    It had been awhile since I've played TTR on my iPad4, but I loaded it up and played it a bit, and it certainly still appears to be retina supported. Can't say about Blood Roofs, don't have that one.
  20. ip4weather

    ip4weather Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2012
    iOS 7.0.2 is out OTA update...

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