I am installing the 4 update right now, so what lies in wait for me when the progress bar lightly fondles the edge of the download box...? Scratch that. Tell me, what is absolute crap about the update?
since you are using a 2nd gen iPod Touch: -folders -airplane mode -iBooks -GameCenter -support for some newer games -memory problems-- if an app crashes on you, restart your iPod or else the memory will stick and drain your battery. you do not get wallpapers.
Definitely do so too. I enabled backgrounds and multitasking on my iPod 2G, and despite it decreasing battery life slightly, it hasn't affected my iPod much. Multitasking is incredibly helpful, and definitely outweighs the negative points of activating multitasking/wallpapers.
the problem i had with the 4.x update on my gen 2 was it made my battery life worse!! what i mean is it would use battery life twice as fast before the update. chris.
yeah, jobs could of made the gen 4 ipod thicker for a larger battery.. Sony did for the PSP. heh. o well. chris.
I now dub all Apple products as iDeviceseses and may the lower case i remain the richest letter ever, surpassing even the trend towards a lower case e in the late 90s and early 2000s. The ironic thing is that I have typed this post on my now updated iPod that has about 10% battery life left. Yes, PSP did it well; I used to have one
I guess that makes sammysin famous for coining it! lol makes me chuckle saying it out loud. about the battery, it's definitely a tradeoff with having a thin device that can do so much. I ordered one of these, though hasn't arrived yet: http://www.exogear.com/products-iphone-4.html not something I would use everyday, but good for those times you know you'll be away from a charger or going to use the device a bunch. Airplane trips, camping, etc.
Haha Don't worry though, Apple will be onto it soon claiming it as their own original idea. I had a look at the link; it looks like a good device (deviceseses?) to have- as you said- when you are away from a charger. I may be getting an iPhone 4 later in the year so I will have a look at ordering one of these for when I am overseas Thanks
well i have updated to the latest iso. and i can at least leave my ipod on now for several days with out draining my battery. yay!! laughs. this was impossible when i first updated to iso4.01 chris.
Always power off and back on when an app crashes. iOS4 has issues with clearing memory properly, so programs that crash continue to run in the background and drain battery life. This fixed all of my battery problems. (hold down your sleep button for a few seconds until the red slider appears)