iOS 4 Game Compatibility List

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by richmlow, Jun 22, 2010.

  1. skeeter

    skeeter Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    I agree, an incompatibility list would make more sense. Devs are slowly releasing updates and thus it would be easier to create a list of apps that are still not compatible. I would assume every dev is required to make their app compatible no?

    Im not sure if you have this on your compatible list but you can add Tap Farm. Thanks. :)
  2. Glu_Ramon

    Glu_Ramon Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to give everyone the heads up that we've just released updates to TRANSFORMERS G1: AWAKENING and How to Train Your Dragon for iOS4 compatibility.
  3. richmlow

    richmlow Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2008
    Research Mathematician
    Thanks to everyone for your contributions to the list.

    Keep them coming and I will continue to update the list!

  4. lacedolphin

    lacedolphin Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2009
    I still have 26 games that the dev has not updated to OS4 compatable. I think since we buy thier games, they should be a bit quicker at keeping the games playable. There are a few if they don't update soon I may drop them an e-mail.
  5. Beto_Machado

    Beto_Machado Well-Known Member

    In some cases, that's Apple's "fault". Some devs sent updates a while ago and are still waiting for them to show up.
  6. JustAGamer

    JustAGamer Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2010
    #86 JustAGamer, Jul 10, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2010
    I used to have 11 games + apps pending OS4 compatibility updates. Now I am left with 4. Most devs are pretty prompt with their updates. But still there are others, especially big names like namco and gameloft, they sux at aftersales service.

    Games still NOT compatible with OS4 :

    * Maestro Green Groove - by Bulkypix
    * Itemania - by Anicombo
    * Tap Fu - by Neptune Interactive
    * Pocket Chef - by Gameloft

    When I see Gameloft, I know it will be a very long wait or perhaps no fix at all. I have games by them with bad glitches and still no updates today despite numerous bugs reports being made. Thank goodness only one of their games is not working with OS4.
  7. abstractgamefreak

    abstractgamefreak Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2009
    Not compatible

    Glyder 1 & 2 (on my iPod 2G 16 GB frame rates are choppy, controls do not work properly anymore)

    Glyder 2 and Robocalypse are not on the appstore anymore. Hope, they patch these soon... :(

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