Cant even get the title screen up without it crashing on my iPod 4g. It's starting to look like a week doesn't go by nowadays without at least one new release that's not compatible with the iPod 4g. And before someone tells me to upgrade to 5g, I'll upgrade in my own sweet time and not when apple and Devs who create unnecessarily over graphical games tell me to. At least GTA: Vice City runs on an iPod 4g. Think on devs, the best way to sell more copy's of your games is to make sure they run on all idevices and not just the new ones. It's a no brainer really. Gameplay is and always will be more important than graphics in my opinion, specially on the ios platform.......erm, ok rant over
I just played a round of ItD on my 4th-gen iPod Touch with absolutely no problems whatsoever (I installed the game in response to another poster's worry that the helicopter intro wasn't present on older devices - it is present, incidentally). Based on the feedback from other posters with 4th-gen iPod Touches who are experiencing crashes with iOS 5, it may be that you need to update to iOS 6 if you haven't already. You probably shouldn't launch into a "non-compatibility" rant just yet. That said, going back from a 4th-gen iPad to a 4th-gen iPod Touch to test this makes me appreciate my new device all the more. Good lord, that was a small screen to play games on.
This game's crashing constantly for me - most of the time, right after I select a control scheme. It just freezes, while the background noises continue on. On an iPhone 4S, 5.1.1. Frustrating and a bit disappointing! Tried everything... reboot, reinstall, ended all tasks... nothing seems to work.
Numerous people with iOS 5.1.1 are reporting crashes on a range of devices, so there might be something to that.
This is rather silly yes. Kind of fluked my very first run (at least, haven't been able to beat it yet thus far), ending at 3200 meters or so. Makes it rather hard to 'beat my own score' for missions now. I think these missions should just be replaced with fixed value runs. Also, any other terrain other then the cornfield and forest? Or do they just cycle over and over after you've gotten those?
It's not actually too hard to make it further; the thing killing the vast majority of players right now (based on online stats) is the second cornfield at 3,000, but if you make it through that it's a pretty straightforward run to 5,000+. Just make sure you have a weapon when you hit that cornfield. That's it (as far as I've reached, anyway); the three terrains just keep cycling, with the forests and cornfields getting getting longer and longer each time you enter one.
Please add some information about the challenges before starting the run. Now It only shows up after dying.
Oh I'm sure I can manage, point still stands that I think it's silly design I mean, you're better off just bombing your runs asap at the start to get missions completed so you unlock better weapons, while instead the focus should be on getting as far as possible every single run. You'd avoid that by just making all these 'beat your own score' missions fixed numbers.
Don't think it's a 5.1.1 issue. Runs beautifully on my 3GS with that iOS version. Strange to see all these people have so much trouble with newer devices. Hope whatever the fix is doesn't break it for me!
I stated something much the same back at the very beginning of this thread, actually: They also have a number of these later on. The worst goal thus far, however, has been "Complete a run three days in a row", which I just paid off rather than waste three days not making actual progress.
Weird. I have no issue with either my iPod Touch or iPad (both 4th-gen on latest iOS), but a number of people who have experienced crashes mentioned that they were using a 4th-gen iPod Touch or iPhone 4 with iOS 5.1.1, so it seemed there could be a connection. Maybe not.
Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Here's my 3200 run. The perks help a lot . I like it, very atmospheric game.
Try plugging into an outlet. I had the same issue with constant crashing, I plugged in my ipad and magically my problem was gone
Well I've not had crashing issues with any other games since the 6.0.1 update. Games like Infinity Blade 2 and Galaxy of Fire 2 work like a charm so why is this game having problems? The only issue I've incounted so far with 6.0.1 is that I can't assess my purchased apps which is a little annoying but all my games work fine.....apart from this one.