Universal Interloper (by Anchorite)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by physicalpariah, Jul 29, 2020.

  1. Spudanky!

    Spudanky! Member

    Aug 30, 2020
    Using touchscreen controls, the invert and yaw/roll settings worked fine, so it's definitely a controller issue.
  2. VirtualBoyFreak

    VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 26, 2011
    Just saw the 1.6 update and… oh wow! That is a work of love for sure. I’ll play the game more now that I have time, and I’m pretty sure it’s going to be amazing. Thanks! :)
    physicalpariah and naghihimutuc like this.
  3. brerlappin

    brerlappin Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    The new update is great! Just noticed the roadmap button leads to a dead link now :-(
  4. physicalpariah

    physicalpariah Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Indie Game Developer
    First off: apologies for not being around here much recently. I’ve been super time poor in the past few months, and the games Discord throws notifications at me more reliably.

    Anyway, yep! The 1.6 update is out (along with the 1.601 patch) that comes with a metric ton of fixes to various issues (and as always a couple new issues)


    The Big Refactor

    So since the game released, I've been adding more and more features to it, and over time that's been forcing the engine to chug a little on even the most powerful devices. I decided to stop that with this patch and go back to fix the fundamentals, bringing the game back to a nice performative state.

    The root cause of this was tracking down a nasty bug that caused crashes over extended playtime, which now has thankfully been fixed. Beyond that there's also major performance gains in the games AI, projectile systems, navigation systems and structural fixes across the board that means the game should perform way better than it did in the previous patch.

    The flip side to this is that the game isn't quite going to be the same as it was before. Lots of little changes add up to make it feel a little different. I hope it's not too bad, but do let me know!

    One major difference is that I've had to turn off Combat Trials for the foreseeable future. They weren't providing the type of gameplay I wanted, and honestly were mostly just a broken cheesy way to grind loot. So until I can figure out how to make them work the way I intended, they'll be disabled.

    Thanks for all the patience waiting for this patch, It's been a long time coming, and I hope it was worth it.


    • Objectives tutorial is now a little easier
    • Haptics button now isn't visible on iPads
    • Yaw can be individually rebound for controllers
    • Crosshair has been properly centred in world space
    • New explosion effects
    • Screen Space Ambient occlusion removed for lower end devices.
    • Combat Trial has been shelved for the time being.
    • AI fighters no longer have a limited field of view for firing at their target. (read: can fire 360)
    • Friendly fire has been turned off. AI ships will no longer accidentally annihilate each other.
    • AI has been tweaked in general across the board. Their routines are way simpler, but their function should be clearer now
    • For instance, Plasma Frigates now pack a much heftier punch, making them a primary target in earlier waves, where before they were really just a bullet sponge.

    Bugs Squashed:
    • Memory leak found and fixed. There should be far fewer crashes now.
    • AI and player ship performance has been greatly improved. The game should run pretty well on most devices now.
    • Tons of fixes to UI glitches and issues.
    • Fixed persistent issues with missions in The Beyond (ice)
    • Fixed issues with projectiles firing right through terrain
    • Fixed AI takeover breaking missions / various issues with AI takeover
    • Fixes to Utilities not firing properly under certain circumstances
    • Fixes to capital ships movement
    • Lots of fixes to a ton of underlying systems
    • fixed default UI scale being too small.
    • Fixes for soft locks on Control remaps for controller
    • Fixes for copy across the game.
  5. physicalpariah

    physicalpariah Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Indie Game Developer
    I’ll get onto this! But the roadmap has also been a bit out of date for quite a while.
    brerlappin likes this.
  6. physicalpariah

    physicalpariah Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Indie Game Developer
    These issues should be sorted with the 1.6 update. I remember encountering them during its dev and fixing them at least. Let me know if they’re still broken.
  7. brerlappin

    brerlappin Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    #467 brerlappin, Oct 21, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2022
    Kind of nit picky… the description for KRS Maurauder has a period after “massacre” whereas the others have no punctuation :)

    I haven’t had a chance to play the game in a while and it’s been super fun getting into it again.

    Is the full campaign still in the works?

    Thanks for all your hard work!
  8. physicalpariah

    physicalpariah Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Indie Game Developer

    Nitpick away! Glad you’re enjoying it again haha.

    I’ve taken several swings at the map campaign and nothing has come close to being as engaging as I’d like so far. I’d put it squarely in the maybe bucket for now.
    brerlappin likes this.
  9. brerlappin

    brerlappin Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    On AppleTV, the screen that says “Best Experienced with Headphones” is super blurry.. but the latest version is great so far otherwise!
    physicalpariah likes this.
  10. physicalpariah

    physicalpariah Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Indie Game Developer
    Ah that'll be the graphics settings defaulting to poop on appletv. Gotta look into that particular texture.
  11. VirtualBoyFreak

    VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 26, 2011
    I’ve played it a bit and I believe the last update (nitpicky silly and non-breaking bugs aside, which are very scarce) is the most stable version I’ve seen. Congrats!
    physicalpariah likes this.
  12. bassdrumma

    bassdrumma New Member

    Dec 20, 2022
    I was trying to figure out the controls during the first mission and died. Now when I try to set my load out to try again, I have no attachments. How do I get another weapon so I can do another mission?
  13. physicalpariah

    physicalpariah Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Indie Game Developer

    You should be given some basic autocannons when you have fewer than two weapons. In rare circumstances you might need to restart the app, though that really shouldn’t be necessary. Let me know if you still have nothin after these steps.
  14. physicalpariah

    physicalpariah Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Indie Game Developer


    This update brings some long overdue updates for controller users, a slight refresh to some elements of the game's UI and ... drumroll ... achievement based ship cosmetics!

    • Achievement based Cosmetic unlock system added.
    • Weapon grouping for left / right fire is now visible in Loadout.
    • Menu navigation has been reworked completely.
    • New screenshots for tutorial pages
    • Home screen has been updated

    • Fixed: Weapon count is doubled in cosmetic unlocks
    • Fixed: headphones logo being crunched
    • Fixed: “Back” from in game settings should resume game?
    • Fixed: UI overlaps in ship select screen
    • Menu tutorial screen fixes
    • Loot Manifest Screen Fixes
    • Fixed: In game settings menu doesn't use RB / LB navigation.
    • Fixed: Controller remapping doesn’t work
    • Fixed: back button isn’t universally working with controller
    • Fixed: Mission select doesn’t auto pick selectable
    • Fixed: If the UI is scaled far enough in, you can’t reach other buttons in loadout when using controller.
    • Fixed: Ship VC layout is a little busted on lower UI scales
    • Fixed: Missiles launched from the Missile massacre collide with the player sometimes
    • Fixed: Collision Warning hangs around too long
    • Fixed: nerf Warp timeout
    • Fixed: Remove Roadmap button
    sebgo likes this.
  15. Truncana

    Truncana Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2013
    What kind of ship cosmetics are included?
    sebgo likes this.
  16. physicalpariah

    physicalpariah Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Indie Game Developer
    Each ship has a B-Skin that you unlock via a system similar to achievements.
    sebgo, VirtualBoyFreak and Truncana like this.
  17. brerlappin

    brerlappin Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2009
    Awesome, can’t wait to check it out!
    sebgo likes this.

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