Universal Interloper (by Anchorite)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by physicalpariah, Jul 29, 2020.

  1. physicalpariah

    physicalpariah Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Indie Game Developer
    Hey thanks! I dig the idea of representing the wounds visually on the character, might just do that! (Gotta find some good wounded idle mocaps first haha)
  2. Gulash

    Gulash Member

    Mar 3, 2021
    I really like this game both on iPhone and on the iPad too. Worth every penny. :) Have any chance to support keyboard & mouse on iPad?
  3. physicalpariah

    physicalpariah Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Indie Game Developer
    You’re welcome!

    Mouse and Keyboard for iOS / iPadOS is something I’ve been looking into since 14 was released. It’s something I’d love to do (as a big iPad stan haha) but I’ve had trouble getting it working. Will keep you posted.
    Gulash likes this.
  4. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    @physicalpariah i’ve took advantage of the sale and bought your game, and can say that it’s a beautiful surprise, you have done a great piece of work!
    unfortunately, i’m still on an old 6S, and with grafx set at minum, the game is almost unplayable in crowded situations, so can you try to cast a spell to improve the performance? ;)

    anyway, the game is fantastic!
  5. physicalpariah

    physicalpariah Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Indie Game Developer
    a 6s? That’ll require some dark magicks indeed. Mayhaps even vector graphics

    I’ll see what I can do!
    Gwarmaxx likes this.
  6. mgambino

    mgambino Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014

    Ahem, not if but when. I cross my fingers with every update.
    physicalpariah and Spudanky! like this.
  7. Miami Horror

    Miami Horror New Member

    Mar 7, 2021
    I'm having a blast but yeah I would loooove a keyboard / mouse support
  8. physicalpariah

    physicalpariah Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Indie Game Developer
    Vote heard loud and clear.

    Also, don't forget the game is also playable on Mac! (and your save syncs across)
  9. physicalpariah

    physicalpariah Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Indie Game Developer
    [ [ BETA ] ]
    Content Drop: Countermeasures & Assault Weapons

    Untitled 2.gif

    This build is in beta right now, provided there's no major issues, it should be live in a day or two.

    Here’s the first of what I’m hoping will be many minor content drops coming this year. Alongside the usual feature tweaks, improvements and whatnot, I’m adding a couple new attachments to the game, namely:

    Countermeasures, A set of common to rare utilities that drop a protective screen of flak behind your ship, handy for dealing with incoming missiles, or pesky light fighters.

    Heavy Burst Autocannon A rare weapon that I thought I’d added to the game yonks ago but somehow didn’t make it into the loot drop lists? It’s a Heavy Autocannon, and it fires in bursts!

    Assault Gun An epic weapon that fires gargantuan bullets at a good clip. Good for turning frigates and capital parts into scrap quickly, though less useful against small fighters.

    Burst Assault Gun I think you get the idea here.

    Updated Features
    • All loot items and attachments now have a label to show their rarity
    • 24fps frame rate option added for low end devices. 120fps option added for iPad Pro + Mac devices. Frame rate is now a toggle option from 24fps to 120fps.
    • Bug reporter moved to an external google form as my internal trello api reporter was crashing for some users.
    • Links to roadmap changed from Trello to Notion
    • Added link to the Anchorite Discord.
    • Added link to my Patreon Blog.
    • Added a unique icon for Anti Missile Systems.. somehow didn't do that when I added them..

    Bugs Squashed:
    • Fixed layout issues with attachment info card on iPad / landscape views.
    • Fixed issue with text being cutoff in warp button on iPad / 4:3 displays
    • Fixed some minor text errors
    • Fixed audio control issues in settings
    brerlappin and Gwarmaxx like this.
  10. physicalpariah

    physicalpariah Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Indie Game Developer
    Lol I went ahead and pushed the button. Its live!
    Wicked8146, brerlappin and Gwarmaxx like this.
  11. Gwarmaxx

    Gwarmaxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2010
    NCC 1701
    going to try on my good old 6S ;)
  12. physicalpariah

    physicalpariah Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Indie Game Developer
    Let me know how it goes! One day I’ll get to the vector graphics mode haha.
    Gwarmaxx likes this.
  13. physicalpariah

    physicalpariah Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Indie Game Developer
    Working on something big for the next feature drop.

    MetaGonzo and brerlappin like this.
  14. physicalpariah

    physicalpariah Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Indie Game Developer
    Content Drop: Big Ships​

    Ok so for this drop we've got something absolutely huge.

    KRS Capital ships.

    So since launch I've been rather unhappy with the existing epic level fleet choices. This content drop looks to remedy that by switching them out with two new ships and a rework to the Assault Carrier. So without further ado:

    Assault Carrier is now purely a fleet support ship. Its spawn rate is doubled and mostly brings in offensive ships now.

    Arbiter is a ball of Close Quarters death. with T W E N T Y weapon systems distributed around its hull, half auto cannons, half capital lance beams, it's designed to be placed in the heart of battle where it can tear enemy ships of all sizes to shreds.

    Dreadnought is the KRS's answer to the Commonwealth Missile Frigates, but.. you know.. bigger. My initial feeling was to equip this with 12 nuke launchers, but that made the game explosively unplayable, so enjoy 12 rapid fire heavy missile launchers.

    There's also a new Fleet Beacon that's incredibly rare, which is the KRS FLEET GROUP, effectively, it brings in a group of three, randomly picked, capital class ships.

    So to be clear, these replace the existing epic fleet options. Which means if you've already got the fighter fleet or the other one I never remember, then you'll have these shiny new ships now. If not, then happy grinding!

    This release also includes a bunch of tweaks and fixes as always!

    Updated Features

    • Fleet Replaced: Fighter Fleet → Arbiter

    • Fleet Replaced: Frigate Fleet → Dreadnought

    • Fleet Updated: Assault Carrier

    • Fleet Added: KRS Fleet Group

    • Feature Added: filter weapons by damage / range / type or name

    • Dark backgrounds have been added to all buttons with low contrast.

    • Setting Added: Render Scale

    Bugs Squashed:

    • Fixed Enemy fighters retreating from the player off into the depths of space.

    • Fixed TVOS controller icons not being quite right

    • Fixed Warp out time being frame dependant.

    • Replaying the tutorial is no longer a painful experience that forces you to scuttle your pilot.

    • Missile weapons had a massive overhead, causing lots of lag in late game large battles

    • AI also had a ton of overhead doing the same as above.

    • Optimised game render scale.
  15. MetaGonzo

    MetaGonzo Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2009
    Now that’s a tasty update.
    brerlappin likes this.
  16. physicalpariah

    physicalpariah Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Indie Game Developer
    Dw, there’s plenty of veggies to go with that ice cream..?

    Not sure this metaphor works in reply form...
  17. jojoknob

    jojoknob New Member

    Apr 4, 2021
    This game has been breaking my spring fever as I need something to do instead of finals :) I'm enjoying it on M1, and just wondered what the state of dev for Apple Silicon is. I would expect it to scream compared to iOS. I have noticed Assault Carrier seems to never stop spawning on endless, and at a certain point 40 or so fighters all try to converge on the same point and destroy each other in a mosh pit, with frame rate dropping to a crawl. Fun to watch, but not so immersive. Is that the same behavior on an iDevice or is it possibly performing differently on M1?
  18. physicalpariah

    physicalpariah Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Indie Game Developer

    LOL I totally forgot to put a cap on the carriers spawn count. Will chuck that in the next patch!

    As for M1, it’s something I want to support natively. The issue currently is that the game uses a handful of plugins that aren’t compiled for M1, instantly failing m1 builds, so it’s something I’ll have to keep an eye on for the time being.
  19. troyster

    troyster Active Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jan 19, 2012
    I love this game but each time I close it and come back it starts over again at the tutorial and all my progress is lost. I go through the tutorial or I skip it and go through the beginner missions until I get to the point where I can choose which daily mission. Then I leave the game for awhile and when I come back all my progress and equipment are gone. Am I missing something obvious? iPhone 11 Pro Max iOS 14.5.
  20. physicalpariah

    physicalpariah Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
    Indie Game Developer
    Sorry about this, but it’s an unfortunate bug that I’ve not been able to track down for quite some time. It seemed as though it was sorted a while back, but *something* has changed recently that’s causing it again.

    Next patch will specifically deal with these issues by giving you more control over the save state of the game. (I’ve had multiple reports of similar issues now)

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